Upcoming releases and publications

Here you will find our upcoming publications and statistics releases.
We publish Monday-Friday 08.00.

  1. Labour costs - Figures for 2023Labour costs
  2. Export of salmon - Figures for week 44 2024Export of salmon
  3. Building statistics - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Building statistics
  4. Enterprises - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Enterprises
  5. Turnover index for service activities - Figures for September 2024Turnover index for service activities
  1. Labour force survey - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Labour force survey
  2. Number of employments and earnings - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Number of employments and earnings
  3. International reserves and foreign currency liquidity - Figures for October 2024International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
  4. Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply - Figures for September 2024Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
  5. Index of industrial production - Figures for September 2024Index of industrial production
  1. Environmental protection expenditure - Figures for 2023Environmental protection expenditure
  2. Municipal wastewater - Figures for 2023Municipal wastewater
  3. Retail sales, investment statistics - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Retail sales, investment statistics
  4. Job vacancies - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Job vacancies
  1. Consumer price index - Figures for October 2024Consumer price index
  2. Price index of first-hand domestic sales - Figures for October 2024Price index of first-hand domestic sales
  3. Producer price index - Figures for October 2024Producer price index
  1. Deaths - Figures for week 44 2024Deaths
  2. Cross border trade - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Cross border trade
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 45 2024Export of salmon
  2. Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics - Figures for 4. termin 2024Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics
  3. Construction cost index for residential buildings - Figures for October 2024Construction cost index for residential buildings
  1. Penal sanctions - Figures for 2023Penal sanctions
  2. Sea catches of salmon and sea trout - Figures for 2024Sea catches of salmon and sea trout
  3. Marks and national tests, lower secondary school - Figures for 2024Marks and national tests, lower secondary school
  4. Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings - Figures for October 2024Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings
  5. Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
  1. Cash flows between Norway and abroad - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Cash flows between Norway and abroad
  2. External trade in goods - Figures for October 2024External trade in goods
  3. Electricity prices - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Electricity prices
  4. Building statistics - Figures for October 2024Building statistics
  5. Tax accounts - Figures for October 2024Tax accounts
  1. Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs - Figures for 2024Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
  1. Deaths - Figures for week 45 2024Deaths
  2. Electricity - Figures for October 2024Electricity
  3. Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions - Figures for 2024Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions
  4. Road traffic accidents involving personal injury - Figures for October 2024Road traffic accidents involving personal injury
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 46 2024Export of salmon
  2. Population - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Population
  3. Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels - Figures for October 2024Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
  4. Activity in centre zones - Figures for 2024Activity in centre zones
  5. Life and non-life insurance companies, accounts - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Life and non-life insurance companies, accounts
  1. Index of labour costs - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Index of labour costs
  2. Index of household consumption of goods - Figures for September 2024Index of household consumption of goods
  3. International reserves and foreign currency liquidity - Figures for October 2024International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
  4. National accounts - Figures for September 2024National accounts
  1. Price index for new dwellings - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Price index for new dwellings
  2. Land use in urban settlements - Figures for 2024Land use in urban settlements
  3. Securities - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Securities
  4. Mutual funds - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Mutual funds
  5. Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions - Figures for October 2024Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions
  1. Production index for construction - Figures for October 2024Production index for construction
  2. Producer price indices for services - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Producer price indices for services
  3. Credit indicator - Figures for October 2024Credit indicator
  4. Monetary aggregates - Figures for October 2024Monetary aggregates
  1. Deaths - Figures for week 46 2024Deaths
  2. Entrepreneurs in business enterprise sector - Figures for 2023Entrepreneurs in business enterprise sector
  1. Labour force survey - Figures for October 2024Labour force survey
  2. Number of employments and earnings - Figures for October 2024Number of employments and earnings
  3. Export of salmon - Figures for week 47 2024Export of salmon
  4. Children’s institutions - Figures for 2023Children’s institutions
  5. Travel survey - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Travel survey
  1. Sickness absence - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Sickness absence
  2. Credit indicator - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Credit indicator
  3. Banks and mortgage companies - Figures for October 2024Banks and mortgage companies
  1. Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies - Figures for October 2024Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies
  2. Index of wholesale and retail sales - Figures for October 2024Index of wholesale and retail sales
  3. Index of household consumption of goods - Figures for October 2024Index of household consumption of goods
  4. Air transport - Figures for October 2024Air transport
  5. Business statistics for the electricity industry - Figures for 2023Business statistics for the electricity industry
  1. Emissions from Norwegian economic activity - Figures for 1991-2023Emissions from Norwegian economic activity
  2. External trade in services - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024External trade in services
  3. Meat production - Figures for 1. half of 2024Meat production
  4. Statistics on alcohol sales - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Statistics on alcohol sales
  1. Deaths - Figures for week 47 2024Deaths
  2. Indicators for gender equality in municipalities - Figures for 2023Indicators for gender equality in municipalities
  3. Accommodation - Figures for October 2024Accommodation
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 48 2024Export of salmon
  2. National accounts, non-financial sector accounts - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024National accounts, non-financial sector accounts
  3. International accounts - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024International accounts
  4. Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing
  5. Cost index for passenger transport by bus - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Cost index for passenger transport by bus
  1. Hazardous waste - Figures for 2023Hazardous waste
  2. Waste accounts - Figures for 2023Waste accounts
  3. Accounts for private kindergartens - Figures for 2023Accounts for private kindergartens
  4. Financial accounts - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Financial accounts
  1. International reserves and foreign currency liquidity - Figures for November 2024International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
  2. Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply - Figures for October 2024Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
  3. Index of industrial production - Figures for October 2024Index of industrial production
  4. Turnover index for service activities - Figures for October 2024Turnover index for service activities
  1. Price index of first-hand domestic sales - Figures for November 2024Price index of first-hand domestic sales
  2. Producer price index - Figures for November 2024Producer price index
  1. Consumer price index - Figures for November 2024Consumer price index
  2. Deaths - Figures for week 48 2024Deaths
  3. Adult skills - Figures for 2022-2023Adult skills
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 49 2024Export of salmon
  2. General government revenue and expenditure - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024General government revenue and expenditure
  3. Maritime transport - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Maritime transport
  4. Rental price index for commercial properties - Figures for 2023Rental price index for commercial properties
  5. Post-secondary vocational education - Figures for 2024Post-secondary vocational education
  1. Waste from building and construction - Figures for 2023Waste from building and construction
  2. General government, financial assets and liabilities - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024General government, financial assets and liabilities
  3. Public corporations, accounts - Figures for 2023Public corporations, accounts
  4. Norwegian subsidiaries abroad - Figures for 2023Norwegian subsidiaries abroad
  5. Holiday house areas - Figures for 2024Holiday house areas
  6. Children's leisure time - Figures for 2024Children's leisure time
  1. Economic trends - Figures for 2024-2027Economic trends
  2. Wild reindeer hunting - Figures for 2024Wild reindeer hunting
  3. Construction cost index for residential buildings - Figures for November 2024Construction cost index for residential buildings
  4. Pupils in primary and lower secondary school - Figures for 2024Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
  5. National accounts - Figures for October 2024National accounts
  1. External trade in goods - Figures for November 2024External trade in goods
  2. Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings - Figures for November 2024Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings
  1. Deaths - Figures for week 49 2024Deaths
  2. Electricity - Figures for November 2024Electricity
  3. Building statistics - Figures for November 2024Building statistics
  1. Tax for personal tax payers - Figures for 2023Tax for personal tax payers
  2. Export of salmon - Figures for week 50 2024Export of salmon
  3. Extraction and related services - Figures for 2023Extraction and related services
  4. Cost index for domestic sea transport - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Cost index for domestic sea transport
  5. Public transport - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Public transport
  6. Rail transport - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Rail transport
  1. Comparison of price levels in Europe - Figures for 2023Comparison of price levels in Europe
  2. Rental market survey - Figures for 2024Rental market survey
  3. Tax accounts - Figures for November 2024Tax accounts
  4. Air transport - Figures for November 2024Air transport
  5. Road traffic accidents involving personal injury - Figures for November 2024Road traffic accidents involving personal injury
  1. Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels - Figures for November 2024Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
  2. Tax statistics for companies - Figures for 2023Tax statistics for companies
  3. Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions - Figures for November 2024Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions
  4. Credit indicator - Figures for November 2024Credit indicator
  5. Monetary aggregates - Figures for November 2024Monetary aggregates
  1. Labour force survey - Figures for November 2024Labour force survey
  2. Number of employments and earnings - Figures for November 2024Number of employments and earnings
  3. International reserves and foreign currency liquidity - Figures for November 2024International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 51 2024Export of salmon
  2. Index of wholesale and retail sales - Figures for November 2024Index of wholesale and retail sales
  3. Index of household consumption of goods - Figures for November 2024Index of household consumption of goods
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 52 2024Export of salmon
  1. Banks and mortgage companies - Figures for November 2024Banks and mortgage companies
  1. Production index for construction - Figures for November 2024Production index for construction
  1. International reserves and foreign currency liquidity - Figures for December 2024International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
  2. Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply - Figures for November 2024Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
  3. Index of industrial production - Figures for November 2024Index of industrial production
  4. Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits - Figures for 2023Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 53 2024Export of salmon
  2. Accommodation - Figures for November 2024Accommodation
  3. Turnover index for service activities - Figures for November 2024Turnover index for service activities
  1. Price index of first-hand domestic sales - Figures for December 2024Price index of first-hand domestic sales
  2. Producer price index - Figures for December 2024Producer price index
  3. Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies - Figures for November 2024Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies
  1. Consumer price index - Figures for December 2024Consumer price index
  1. Construction cost index for residential buildings - Figures for December 2024Construction cost index for residential buildings
  2. Price index for existing dwellings - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Price index for existing dwellings
  1. Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings - Figures for December 2024Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings
  1. External trade in goods, indices of volume and price - Figures for 4th quarter 2024External trade in goods, indices of volume and price
  2. Income and wealth statistics for households - Figures for 2023Income and wealth statistics for households
  3. External trade in goods - Figures for December 2024External trade in goods
  4. Export of salmon - Figures for week 1 2025Export of salmon
  1. Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarrying - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarrying
  1. Tax accounts - Figures for December 2024Tax accounts
  2. Cost index for road goods transport - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Cost index for road goods transport
  1. Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels - Figures for December 2024Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
  2. Building statistics - Figures for December 2024Building statistics
  3. Construction cost index for road construction - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Construction cost index for road construction
  1. Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions - Figures for December 2024Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 2 2025Export of salmon
  1. Electricity - Figures for December 2024Electricity
  2. River catch - Figures for 2024River catch
  3. Air transport - Figures for December 2024Air transport
  4. Carriage of goods by lorry - Figures for 3rd quarter 2024Carriage of goods by lorry
  1. Labour force survey - Figures for December 2024Labour force survey
  2. Number of employments and earnings - Figures for December 2024Number of employments and earnings
  3. Production index for construction - Figures for December 2024Production index for construction
  1. Index of wholesale and retail sales - Figures for December 2024Index of wholesale and retail sales
  2. Bankruptcies - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Bankruptcies
  1. Export of salmon - Figures for week 3 2025Export of salmon
  2. Farmers’ income and debt - Figures for 2023Farmers’ income and debt
  3. Road traffic accidents involving personal injury - Figures for December 2024Road traffic accidents involving personal injury
  1. Commercial roundwood removals - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Commercial roundwood removals
  2. Transfer of properties - Figures for 4th quarter 2024Transfer of properties
  3. Credit indicator - Figures for December 2024Credit indicator
  4. Monetary aggregates - Figures for December 2024Monetary aggregates
  1. Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies - Figures for December 2024Interest rates in banks and mortgage companies
  2. The Norwegian Merchant Fleet - Figures for 2024The Norwegian Merchant Fleet
  1. Banks and mortgage companies - Figures for December 2024Banks and mortgage companies