

Artikler og statistikker

New articles, analysis og publications

Salmon price in the period of September 16th – September 22nd

In the period of September 16th – September 22nd the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 74.57 per kilo, up 0.6 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

Access to electricity and cooking solutions. Technical documentation

This document presents the technical approach for how to collect, process and publish data on the multi-tier household access to electricity and cooking solutions based upon the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank.

Access to Electricity and Modern Cooking Solutions in Mozambique

The report presents key findings from the survey on households' access to (sustainable) energy for electricity and cooking, as well as the quality of the access.

Competence of employees working with the pupils in primary and lower secondary school

Primary and lower secondary school teachers and their competence have been covered in several previous surveys and existing statistics, but in this report particular emphasis is placed on other staff working with children and their competence.

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New statistics

  1. Export of salmon
  2. Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies
  3. Credit indicator
  4. Monetary aggregates
  1. Deaths
  2. ICT usage in enterprises
  3. ICT usage in households
  4. Accidents at work

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