Concept variable


  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Job
Definition Job and employment are used synonymously and defines work compensated by earnings. A person may have several jobs/employments in different establishments. If a person has several jobs/employments in the same establishment, the jobs are summed up to one job.
Valid from 2015-01-01
Valid to
Owner 260 - Division for labour market statistics
Comments The definition has been adjusted: Old definition: An employee (individual) can have several jobs/employments in different establishments, while jobs/employments within the same establishment are summed up to one job.
Statistical unit Employment
Subject 06.01 - Labour force participation
Linked to StatBank tables
13126: Employees, jobs and renumeration in cash by industry division (17 groups). Preliminary and final figures
13050: Government employees, by occupation (4 digit level) and sex. Yearly average
12852: Monthly earnings, by place of work, place of residence, sex, age and working hours (M)
12851: Monthly earnings by occupation, apprentices/non-apprentices and sex
12826: Government employees, by ministry including subordinate units and working hours (6 groups). Yearly average
12823: Jobs, new hirings and terminated hirings, by sex, age and immigration category
12822: Jobs, new hirings and terminated hirings, by sex, age and sector
12821: Jobs, new hirings and terminated hirings, by sex, age and industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
12820: Jobs, new hirings and terminated hirings, by sex, age and educational level
12629: Government employees, by industry and place of work. Yearly average (M)
12628: Government employees, by unit and place of work. Yearly average (M)
12627: Government employees, by unit, sex and age. Yearly average
12626: Government employees, by unit and education level. Yearly average
12625: Government employees, by unit and immigration category/country background. Yearly average
12624: Government employees, by unit and working hours. Yearly average
12623: Government employees, by unit. Yearly average
12525: Monthly earnings, by occupational group, immigrant category, country background, sex and working hours
12524: Monthly earnings, (8 groups), immigrant category, sex and working hours
12407: Monthly earnings, by level of education, field of study and number of years since education was completed
12317: Jobs, job decreases and job increases, by sector
12316: Jobs, job decreases and job increases, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
12315: Employees, jobs, and earnings, by place of work and immigrant category (C)
12314: Employees, jobs, earnings, and earnings index, by industry division (88 groups, SIC2007)
12018: Employees and jobs, by place of work, immigrant category, and industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
11676: Employees and jobs, by place of work, immigrant category, and country background (C)
11658: Employees, jobs, and earnings, by sex, age, and occupation (4-digit level)
11657: Employees and jobs, by place of work and industry division (8 groups) (M)
11656: Employees and jobs, by sex, age, and industry division (88 groups, SIC2007)
11655: Employees, jobs, and earnings, by place of work, sector, and industry division (8 groups, SIC2007) (C)
11654: Employees, jobs, earnings, and earnings index, by place of work and industry division (17 groups, SIC2007) (C)
11653: Employees and jobs, by place of work and sector (M)
11652: Employees, jobs, and earnings, by place of work, sex, and age (C)
11422: Monthly earnings, by occupational group, sex and working hours (C)
11421: Monthly earnings, by sector, age, industry, sex and working hours
11420: Monthly earnings, by sector, education, industry, sex and working hours
11419: Monthly earnings, by occupational group, sector, industry, sex and working hours
11418: Monthly earnings, by occupation, sector, sex and working hours
09904: Government employees, by ministry including subordinate units (closed series)