More professionals in the social services
Social conditions, welfare and crime
soshjelpp, Social services staff (discontinued)Social security and benefits , Social conditions, welfare and crime

Social services staff (discontinued)2001

The statistics has been discontinued.



More professionals in the social services

The number of professional staff in the social services was 2. 653 at the end of 2001, and this is an increase of 12 percent from the year before. Nearly half of the employees in social services were held either by people educated as social workers, child welfare officers or nurses for the mentally subnormal.

At the end of 2001, 5 538 positions were registered in social services. This is an increase of 857 positions from 2000. Viewed as a proportion of the population, the national average rose from 1.4 positions per 1000 adults (aged 18 and older) in 2000, to 1.6 in 2001.

The increase in numbers of professional employees from 2000 to 2001 can partly be explained as a result of a change in the registration forms. From 2001 the registration form is more comprehensive than before.

Full-time equivalents in social services per 1 000 population aged 18 and up. County

More professional staff

The number of professional staff in the social services was 2.653 at the end of 2001, and this indicates an increase of 12 percent from the year before. People educated as social workers, child welfare workers or nurses for the mentally subnormal, held 48 per cent of the jobs. The man labour years for social workers in social services increased from 1.980 in 2000 to 2.196 in 2001, an increase of 216 man-labour years. Even though the number of social workers increased in the same period, the total relative amount of social workers declined from 42 to 40 percent. The number of child welfare officers and nurses for the mentally subnormal respectively increased by 16 and 28 percent from 2000 to 2001.

Increase in number of unskilled staff

The number of unskilled workers has increased a lot over the last few years. From 1999 to 2000 the number increased by 227 persons or 34 percent, while the increase from 2000 to 2001 was 356 persons or 35 percent. The only group with a small decrease compared to last year was employees with office workers education.

Large regional differences

Large differences still exist between counties with respect to the ratio of employees in social services. Oslo has the best coverage, with 2.8 full-time equivalents per 1000 adults (18 years and older ). Right behind we find Vest-Agder and Sør Trøndelag with 1.8 full-time equivalents per 1000 adults. There is a large gap to the county Møre og Romsdal who has the lowest staffing, with 0.9 full-time equivalents per 1000 adults.
