Wild reindeer hunting


Next update

Not yet determined

Key figures

4 726

the number of reindeer shot in the hunting season 2020

Wild reindeer felled:
NumberShareChange, per cent
2019 - 20202016 - 2020
Total4 726100.0-0.3-22.9
Older1 59233.7-26.312.6
Older1 37629.135.0-36.7

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Wild reindeer felled, by age, sex and wild reindeer area.

Wild reindeer felled, by age, sex and wild reindeer area.
TotalCalfYearlingsOlderHarvest percentage
19969 3951 2551 1219265172 2883 28848
19979 1791 1481 0421 0305602 0623 33745
19989 7611 3491 2259634752 0883 66145
19998 9921 1621 0621 0184492 1763 12541
20007 6319758907403322 0712 62336
20016 9761 0338977043051 7102 32750
20026 6171 0298576382521 7372 10458
20034 4176406574001771 1871 35651
20043 8956275133441581 0711 18255
20054 8176475324432481 5671 38047
20065 0916486044732191 5361 61146
20074 6706986153951971 2791 48650
20085 1557696695032351 2331 74655
20095 0988106794632251 2881 63353
20105 4478097275492641 3141 78452
20115 4238486735642721 3161 75039
20125 4517857015962991 3481 72233
20137 1401 0549306554081 8542 23939
20147 9441 1061 0307304051 8342 83938
20156 5098767847323681 5682 18131
20166 1298778305522831 4142 17324
20175 5157826634582941 6431 67524
20184 1566125323152231 3501 12439
20194 7386095402481612 1611 01933
20204 7265715843472561 5921 37635
Wild reindeer area
Setesdal - Ryfylke305444911197610614
Skaulen - Etnefjella36241067772
Setesdal - Austhei88191073212819
Hardangervidda1 4406554906272644329
Brattefjell - Vindeggen12413151812234328
Lærdal - Årdal14200012070
Vest - Jotunheimen2733347721
Reinheimen - Breheimen4796572291917112364
Norefjell - Reinsjøfjell1633631610354592
Våmur - Roan37781161467
Tolga østfjell19002017063

Table 2 
Wild reindeer hunting. Licences issued, animals felled and per cent felled

Wild reindeer hunting. Licences issued, animals felled and per cent felled
Licences issuedAnimals felledPer cent felled
199616 1839 39558
199716 2929 17956
199818 3969 76153
199917 9878 99250
200012 7537 63160
200112 7546 97655
200215 8626 61742
200318 0874 41724
200419 7693 89520
200520 4114 81724
200621 9335 09123
200722 0814 67021
200821 2875 15524
200913 8215 09837
201011 3675 44748
20118 6015 42363
20127 1025 45177
201310 2147 14070
201410 9867 94472
20159 3026 50970
201625 4656 12924
201722 6745 51524
201810 5754 15639
201914 2364 73833
202013 4374 72635

About the statistics

The statistics give an overview of Norwegian wild reindeer hunting. The figures show the number of reindeer shot and the number of permissions given, by age, sex and reindeer areas. The statistics also comprise figures on estimated carcass weight.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Hunting ground
One basic territorial unit sanctioned for hunting cervids and allotted felling licences.
Qualifying area
Area forming the basis for hunting licences allotted by the municipalities. For moose and red deer, the area includes mainly woodland and bogs.
Licences issued
The number of animals that the municipality has given each hunting ground permission to shoot.
Selective shooting
Licences issued with an obligation for a certain distribution of animals felled, by calf, 1½-year-old animals, adult males and adult females.
Per cent felled
Shot animals as a percentage of licences issued.
The hunting year
One hunting year lasts as from 1 April as to 31 March the following year.

Standard classifications

Classification of wild reindeer areas

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Wild reindeer hunting
Topic: Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Responsible division

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Regional level

Wild reindeer area.

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Data sets are stored at Statistics Norway.


Background and purpose

The purpose of these statistics is to show the extent of wild reindeer hunting in Norway. Until 1951, the statistics covered all registered felling of wild reindeer, both those that were shot through legal hunting and those that were shot or died in other ways. After 1952, the statistics only cover wild reindeer legally killed through ordinary hunting.

Users and applications

The most important users of these statistics are The Norwegian Environment Agency, the County Departments of Environmental Affairs, professional bodies, the media, research and educational institutions and the local wildlife authorities.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

Statistics on the number of felled moose and red deer, as well as registered non-harvest morality of cervids are published.

Legal authority

The wildlife act.

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics include all legal hunting of wild reindeer in Norway.

Data sources and sampling

The Wild Reindeer Councils

Total census

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Statistics Norway obtains data on felling quotas and the hunting data from the individual Wild Reindeer Councils.

Sum checks and checks of the number of animals felled against the number of licences issued are performed. In the event of a lack of clarity in the submitted data, the Wild Reindeer Council is contacted for additional information.

Number of animals felled and number of hunting licenses issued are summarised and distributed on wild reindeer council.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The statistics are comparable back to 1952 (see chapter 2.1.).

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The data capture is closely connected to the local wildlife management, and the data quality is regarded as very good. Some hunting grounds cross municipal borders. In some cases this makes it difficult to decide in which municipality some of the animals were felled. The distribution of these animals is determined by the Wild Reindeer Council and does not affect the total number of wild reindeer felled.

The level of non-response is negligible. Reporting to Statistics Norway is compulsory for all Wild Reindeer Councils. Statistics Norway reminds the councils that have not forwarded their reports within three weeks from the end of the hunting season. In that way, all councils are covered.


Not relevant