

Artikler og statistikker

New articles, analysis og publications

Growth in the industrial production in 2nd quarter

Norwegian industrial managers report growth in production in manufacturing in the 2nd quarter. New orders for the domestic market were unchanged while they increased for the export market. The general expectations for the 3rd quarter of 2024 are positive for all types of goods.

Skewed distribution in social background in Norwegian academia

In 2022, 66 per cent of the researchers in Norwegian academic institutions had parents with education on tertiary level. Among younger researchers, a significantly higher share had parents with higher education.

Salmon price in the period of July 15th – July 21st

In the period of July 15th – July 21st the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 81.46 per kilo, up 2.1 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

CPI up 2.6 per cent last 12 months

From June 2023 to June 2024 the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 2.6 per cent, while the CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE) rose by 3.4 per cent. Both the CPI and the CPI-ATE increased by 0.2 per cent from May 2024 to June 2024.

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New statistics

  1. Index of wholesale and retail sales
  2. Index of household consumption of goods
  3. Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions
  4. Carriage of goods by lorry

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