Employment among immigrants, register-based

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12552: Employed persons. 4th quarter, by age, sex, working hours, contents, year and country background


Ingebjørg Aamodt, Statistics Norway
+47 92 62 38 40
Bjørn Olsen, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 387
2024-03-05 08:00
Employed persons:
Employed persons:
4th quarter
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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12552: Employed persons. 4th quarter, by age, sex, working hours, contents, year and country background

 Employed persons
Non-immigrant populationImmigrants, totalNordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New ZealandEurope except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions
20-66 years    
Both sexes    
Total2 095 629519 026251 920267 106
0-19 per cent91 65622 3847 41314 971
20-39  per cent88 61325 9648 57317 391
40-59 per cent113 77836 23213 26322 969
60-79 per cent89 18229 09311 24317 850
80-99 per cent112 16735 80314 69321 110
100 per cent or more1 600 233369 550196 735172 815
Total1 093 444280 384148 098132 286
0-19 per cent37 2148 5942 7875 807
20-39  per cent34 6809 6263 0836 543
40-59 per cent39 73112 5034 4968 007
60-79 per cent25 6569 7123 8495 863
80-99 per cent29 68212 3215 0017 320
100 per cent or more926 481227 628128 88298 746
Total1 002 185238 642103 822134 820
0-19 per cent54 44213 7904 6269 164
20-39  per cent53 93316 3385 49010 848
40-59 per cent74 04723 7298 76714 962
60-79 per cent63 52619 3817 39411 987
80-99 per cent82 48523 4829 69213 790
100 per cent or more673 752141 92267 85374 069

Saved query 10018567
1 most recent time periods
All 1s and 2s have been replaced by 0 or 3 in order to meet privacy requirement. From 2015 to 2016, there was a change in the reporting of working hours to the a-ordning for hourly-paid jobs. This led to a change in the contractual full-time equivalent (FTE) percentage between 2015 and 2016 that is not real, and changes must be interpreted with caution. See more information about the FTE percentage and the method for improving it from 2015 and forward in this article. New EU countries after 2004 include the following countries, from the year they joined the EU (in brackets): Poland (2004), Lithuania (2004), Estonia (2004), Latvia (2004), Slovakia (2004), Czech Republic (2004), Hungary (2004), Slovenia (2004), Romania (2007), Bulgaria (2007), Croatia (2013). For the years 2004-2021, the countries Malta and Cyprus are in the group 'EU/EFTA until 2004 except the Nordic countries', while from 2022 the countries are in the group 'New EU countries after 2004'.
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