Concept variable

After-tax income per consumption unit, OECD scale

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name After-tax income per consumption unit, OECD scale
Definition Total household taxable and non-taxable income, minus taxes, divided by the number of consumption units in the household. The number of consumption units is calculated by using the 'old' OECD equivalence scale, where the first adult is given a value of 1, any additional adult is given the value of 0.7, and each child is given a value of 0.5. The number of consumption units in a household consisting of two adults and two children is thus 2.7, according to this method.
Valid from 1993-01-01
Valid to
Owner 225 - Division for income and wage statistics
Statistical unit Person
Subject 05.01.10 - Income
Linked to Variable Definition After-tax income
Linked to StatBank tables