Establishments and enterprises


Business statistics
Provides information on the activity in the Norwegian business sector
Business statistics for the electricity industry
The statistics cover economic figures for the electricity industry, as well as power prices and grid rent
Continuing Vocational Training Survey
Results from the survey gives information about the extent of courses and other forms of continuing vocational training in enterprises within both private and public sectors.
The statistics show figures on active, new and defunct businesses, as well as survival of new enterprises and enterprise growth.
Statistics about Norwegian establishments and their structure
Foreign subsidiaries in Norway
The statistics provide an overview of foreign-controlled enterprises’ activity in Norway
ICT usage in enterprises
ICT usage in enterprises covers areas such as internet access and use of ICT specialists in enterprises
Industry statistics for Svalbard
Provides insight into the development and structure of the industries in Svalbard
Innovation in the business enterprise sector
Provides information about Norwegian enterprises' propensity for innovation
Norwegian Subsidiaries Abroad
Provides a total overview of the Norwegian-controlled enterprises’ economic activity abroad
Producer price indices for services
The statistic shows changes in prices for different services by Norwegian Producers.
Research and development in the business enterprise sector
Measures research and development (R&D) in the business enterprise sector

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 8 of 8
  1. Investment in Svalbard rose in 2023

    Investment in Svalbard went up in 2023 by 50 per cent from 2022, the year in which investment fell significantly.

  2. Scale and productivity in incorporated businesses where owners have an immigrant background

    Previous research shows that among joint-stock companies, immigrant enterprises account for a disproportionately small share of turnover, value added, wage costs and employment, compared to their share of the enterprise population.

  3. Svalbard: Population, economy and living conditions

    This report is about social conditions in Svalbard, with an emphasis on developments since the last Svalbard report in 2016

  4. Turnover in Svalbard still rising

    Turnover in Svalbard rose by 20 per cent in 2022, which was almost the same increase as in 2021.

  5. Turnover in Svalbard rose substantially

    Total turnover in Svalbard rose by 20.2 per cent in 2021.

  6. The Nordics during the first phases of COVID-19

    This publication describes the Nordics during the first phases of COVID-19. The publication is the result of the Nordic Chief Statisticians' decision to publish a joint comparative analysis concerning the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

  7. Identifying the elasticity of substitution between capital and labour . A pooled GMM panel estimator

    Simultaneity represents a fundamental problem when estimating the elasticity of substitution between capital and labour.

  8. Turnover and man-years worked substantially decreased in Svalbard

    Total turnover in Svalbard went down by 15.3 per cent in 2020, and total man-years worked by 9.7 per cent.

Older analyses, articles and publications for subtopic establishments and enterprises.