Income and wealth


Farmers’ income and debt
The statistics present figures for incomes and debt for persons who are operating agricultural holdings.
Forest owners' income
personal forest owners, income from self-employment, forestry income, agricultural income
Income and wealth statistics for households
Measures the economic resources households have for saving and consumption.
Income, self-employed
The survey shows the effect of the tax system on self-employed persons
Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions
The statistics cover poverty-related problems for different groups in the Norwegian population, such as financial difficultiesand social and material deprivation. The data is based on the Survey on living conditions EU-SILC.
Tax for personal tax payers
The statistics gives an overview of taxable income, income deductions and taxable assets, as well as taxes and tax allowances, for people with a tax obligation in Norway
Cash transfers to families with children
The statistics has been discontinued
Population and Housing Census, household income
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 19 of 19
  1. Investigation of schemes for combining wage income with disability benefits

    Under current regulations, fully disabled individuals can earn up to 0.4 times the basic amount in the National Insurance Scheme (G) without their benefits being reduced. Beyond this exempt income limit, benefits are typically reduced by approximately 66 kroner for every 100 kroner earned.

  2. Measurement of child poverty: An investigation of supplementary poverty measures

    This report investigates and recommends alternative poverty measures that may supplement the standard measure of persistent poverty used by Statistics Norway.

  3. Pension entitlements are four times higher than GDP

    The share of GDP has remained unchanged since 2019. At the end of 2021, the present value of Norwegian households accrued-to-date pension entitlements was estimated at approximately NOK 13 200 billion.

  4. Micro and macro evidence of the relationship between income mobility and taxation

    How taxation influences income mobility is largely a neglected topic. In this study we discuss the relationship between taxation and income mobility by analyzing both macro and micro data.

  5. Increased interest rates and implications for household income

    This report discusses the increased economic burden for Norwegian households following from increased interest rates in Norway.

  6. Children in low-income households in the Nordic countries 2005-2020

    In 2005 the four Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden all had about the same proportion of children in low-income households, which was among the lowest in Europe.

  7. Reconciling estimates of the long-term earnings effect of fertility

    This paper presents novel methodological and empirical contributions to the child penalty literature. We propose a new estimator that combines elements from standard event study and instrumental variable estimators and demonstrate their relatedness.

  8. Differences in lifetime earnings between educational groups

    This report calculates the total earnings over (large parts of) people’s lifetime – lifetime earnings – for different groups defined by their education.

  9. Pension wealth in Norway 2019-2020

    The pension system in Norway ensures that everyone has a certain amount of pension assets when they retire. This report shows the value and distribution of this pension wealth for the Norwegian population in 2019 and 2020.

  10. Controlling for fixed effects in studies of income underreporting

    The expenditure method of Pissarides and Weber (1989) Journal of Public Economics, 39 (1), 17-32) shows how one backs out measure of income underreporting by the self-employed by using food consumption as trace of true income.

  11. People not in employment, education or training in 2015-2020

    The purpose of this report is to investigate the differences between people staying outside employment, education and training for several years, compared to people being outside these activities for a shorter period.

  12. Increased expenditures for the households – who bears the largest burden?

    Norwegian households have experienced unexpected price increases during 2022 on important goods, such as electricity and fuel, and the interest rate has been raised more than expected.

  13. The economic welfare of low-income households 2022

    Most Norwegian households are financially relatively well-off. Income inequality has remained the same in 2020 as in 2017, and thus the disparity between those at the bottom of the income distribution and those at the top remained stable.

  14. Farmers' income in Norway, 2004 - 2020

    This report describes the composition and evolution of Norwegian farmers' income and compares the evolution of farmers' and farm households' income to the evolution of income for other groups of non-farm individuals and households.

  15. Social security pension generosity and the effect on household saving

    This paper examines the substitution between pension wealth and household saving by studying Norway’s 2011 pension reform.

  16. Unsecured debt. Development 2019-2020, by characteristics of the borrowers

    The aim of this report is to provide insight into how interest-bearing unsecured debt has developed in different segments of the population during the period 2019–2021. We have chosen to focus on the interest-bearing part of the unsecured debt because we presume that the interest-free part does not lead to social problems to any great extent.

  17. Gender or class – What determines voting?

    Previous literature has found that extending the suffrage to both females and poorer voters increases the supply of public goods.

  18. A european equivalence scale for public in-kind transfers

    This paper introduces a theory-based equivalence scale for public in-kind transfers, which justifies comparison of distributions of extended income (cash income plus the value of public services) between European countries.

  19. Economic inequality in Norway in the twenty-first century

    This report describes the development in inequality in Norway in the period 2001–2018. We study inequality in income and wealth, the distribution of the tax burden, and the degree of progressivity in the tax system.

Older analyses, articles and publications for subtopic income and wealth.