Concept variable

Country background

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Country background
Definition Country background is the person's own, the mother's or possibly the father's country of birth. Persons without an immigrant background always have Norway as country background. In cases where the parents have different countries of birth the mother's country of birth is chosen. If neither the person nor the parents are born abroad, country background is chosen from the first person born abroad in the order mother's mother, mother's father, father's mother, father's father.
Valid from 2003-01-01
Valid to
Owner 320 - Division for population statistics
Comments From 1 January 2003 the definition was changed by also including the country of birth of the grandparents.
Statistical unit Person
Subject 02.01.10 - Population
Statistics Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents
Version Country background
Classification Classification of country codes (SSB-3)