Environment & transport

The links below lead to all statistics on Svalbard. To access the Svalbard numbers directly, please pick the relevant page and follow the link to the Statbank. In the Statbank, choose the tables that contain numbers for municipalities, marked (M). Links to the statistics that give numbers exclusively for Svalbard are found at the bottom of this page.


Area of land and fresh water
Follows changes in area of municipalities and statistical units.
Hazardous waste
Describes the different forms of hazardous waste, its treatment and its sources
Protected areas
The statistics encompass protected areas, by number and area they cover.
Waste from households
Shows the amount of household waste collected by municipalities
Air transport
Aims to describe all commercial transport of passengers and goods
Maritime transport
The statistics describe maritime transport in Norway by showing goods handled at Norwegian...
Registered vehicles
Shows the structure and development of the vehicle fleet
Land use and land cover
Classifies built-up areas by usage and non-built-up areas by land cover
Measures guest nights at hotels, short-term holiday dwellings, camping sites and youth hostels

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 0 of 0

    Older analyses, articles and publications for Svalbard.

    Special Svalbard-statistics

    Mann på Svalbard
    Population of Svalbard

    The statistics give a view of the population of Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund by age, sex and household size, as well as in- and out migration, births and deaths.

    Longyearbyen Svalbard.
    Industry statistics for Svalbard

    The statistics provide insight into the development and structure of the various industries in Svalbard.

    Isbjørnskilt på Svalbard.
    Public sector on Svalbard

    The statistics show the state's income and expenses in Svalbard.