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Upper secondary schools
Upper secondary schools
Upper secondary education
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06942: C1. Consolidated accounts - Upper secondary education - key figures (C) (closed series) 1999 - 2016
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Nadine Viktoria Lunde Bratholmen, Statistics Norway
+47 408 11 455
2018-03-15 08:00
Gross investment expenditures, upper secondary school, per capita, consolidated accounts:
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, per 16-18 years old, consolidated accounts:
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, as a percentage of net operating expenditures, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion net operating expenditures for school premises, administration, conveyance and boarding school, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, administration, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, teaching, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, general areas of study, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, vocational studies, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, national level courses, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, special education, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Andel netto driftsutgifter til oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (561), konsern:
Per cent
Andel netto driftsutgifter til spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (562), konsern:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, apprentices, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, adults in upper sec. education, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Proportion of net operating expenditures, other educational activities, consolidated accounts:
Per cent
Financial strain by running upper secondary education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for running upper secondary education for apprentices/trainees, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for school premises and dormitories, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for teaching leadership, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for all educational programmes/areas of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Økonomisk belastning 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern:
Økonomisk belastning 562 spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset undervisning per elev, konsern:
Financial strain for education programme specialisation in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme art, design and architecture, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for tertiary vocational education, per student, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of 16-18-year-olds in upper secondary education:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils in upper secondary education:
Per cent
Proportion of apprentices in upper secondary education:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in general fields of study:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in vocational studies:
Per cent
Proportion of young people with right to upper secondary education:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils who attend school outside county of residence:
Per cent
Proportion of apprentices with apprenticeship outside county of residence:
Per cent
Andel bestått trinn i videregående opplæring forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre:
Per cent
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av tre år, 25 år og eldre:
Per cent
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av fem år, 25 år og eldre:
Per cent
Andel bestått praksiskandidatprøver forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils accepted at the course of their first choice:
Per cent
Proportion of applicants admitted as apprentices:
Per cent
Proportion of applicants not offered a place:
Per cent
Pupils in alternative apprentice training in school as a percentage of new apprentices. Per cent:
Per cent
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, upper secondary education and technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl grants to private enterprises) , consolidated accounts:
Gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl reimbursement from other counties), consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, school buildings, administration and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjuted gross operating expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, vocational education programme, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Korr bto driftsutg 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern:
Korr bto driftsutg 562 spesundervisning og særskilt tilpasset oppl per elev, konsern:
Expenditures for municipal purchases, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (art 350 for funksjon 561) per elev, konsern:
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, spesialunderv og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (art 350 for funksjon 562) per elev, konsern:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, eduacation programme specialization in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Korr bto driftsutg 533 utdprog Kunst, design og arkitektur per elev, konsern:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Pupils per school, county-owned schools:
Proportion of contracted man-years adjusted for sick-leave and maternity leave, upper secondary schools:
Per cent
Pupils per teaching man-year, upper secondary schools:
Proportion of teachers 40 years old or under:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers 41-49 years old:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers 50 years old or older:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers 50-59 years old:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers 60 years old or older:
Per cent
Proportion of female teachers:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers working full time:
Per cent
Proportion of female teachers working full time:
Per cent
Proportion of male teachers working full time:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, and educational science:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, without educational science:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, and educational science:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, without educational science:
Per cent
Proportion of teachers with upper secondary education:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within theoretical duration, previous year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within five years:
Per cent
Andel av elever som startet på yrkesfag som har oppnådd yrkeskompetanse/fag-/svennebrev i løpet av fem år:
Per cent
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av to år:
Per cent
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av fire år:
Per cent
Transition from lower to upper secondary education, per cent:
Per cent
Transitions from upper secondary education to tertiary education, per cent:
Per cent
Proportion of vocational examinations passed:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils who dropped out of school during the school year, measured by number of courses:
Per cent
Andel av ungdommer i OT som er i utdanning og/eller arbeid neste år:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 1 again:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 1 again:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education program last year who are not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 3 this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending apprenticeship this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 vocational studies this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 general areas of studies this year:
Per cent
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education program last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Per cent
Reference time
Gross investment expenditures, upper secondary school, per capita, consolidated accounts:
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, per 16-18 years old, consolidated accounts:
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, as a percentage of net operating expenditures, consolidated accounts:
Proportion net operating expenditures for school premises, administration, conveyance and boarding school, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, administration, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, teaching, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, general areas of study, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, vocational studies, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, national level courses, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, special education, consolidated accounts:
Andel netto driftsutgifter til oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (561), konsern:
Andel netto driftsutgifter til spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (562), konsern:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, apprentices, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, adults in upper sec. education, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of net operating expenditures, other educational activities, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain by running upper secondary education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for running upper secondary education for apprentices/trainees, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for school premises and dormitories, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for teaching leadership, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for all educational programmes/areas of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Økonomisk belastning 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern:
Økonomisk belastning 562 spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset undervisning per elev, konsern:
Financial strain for education programme specialisation in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme art, design and architecture, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Financial strain for tertiary vocational education, per student, consolidated accounts:
Proportion of 16-18-year-olds in upper secondary education:
Proportion of pupils in upper secondary education:
Proportion of apprentices in upper secondary education:
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in general fields of study:
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in vocational studies:
Proportion of young people with right to upper secondary education:
Proportion of pupils who attend school outside county of residence:
Proportion of apprentices with apprenticeship outside county of residence:
Andel bestått trinn i videregående opplæring forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre:
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av tre år, 25 år og eldre:
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av fem år, 25 år og eldre:
Andel bestått praksiskandidatprøver forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre:
Proportion of pupils accepted at the course of their first choice:
Proportion of applicants admitted as apprentices:
Proportion of applicants not offered a place:
Pupils in alternative apprentice training in school as a percentage of new apprentices. Per cent:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, upper secondary education and technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl grants to private enterprises) , consolidated accounts:
Gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl reimbursement from other counties), consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, school buildings, administration and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjuted gross operating expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, vocational education programme, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Korr bto driftsutg 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern:
Korr bto driftsutg 562 spesundervisning og særskilt tilpasset oppl per elev, konsern:
Expenditures for municipal purchases, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (art 350 for funksjon 561) per elev, konsern:
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, spesialunderv og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (art 350 for funksjon 562) per elev, konsern:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, eduacation programme specialization in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Korr bto driftsutg 533 utdprog Kunst, design og arkitektur per elev, konsern:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Wage expenditures, technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts:
Pupils per school, county-owned schools:
Proportion of contracted man-years adjusted for sick-leave and maternity leave, upper secondary schools:
Pupils per teaching man-year, upper secondary schools:
Proportion of teachers 40 years old or under:
Proportion of teachers 41-49 years old:
Proportion of teachers 50 years old or older:
Proportion of teachers 50-59 years old:
Proportion of teachers 60 years old or older:
Proportion of female teachers:
Proportion of teachers working full time:
Proportion of female teachers working full time:
Proportion of male teachers working full time:
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, and educational science:
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, without educational science:
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, and educational science:
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, without educational science:
Proportion of teachers with upper secondary education:
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within theoretical duration, previous year:
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within five years:
Andel av elever som startet på yrkesfag som har oppnådd yrkeskompetanse/fag-/svennebrev i løpet av fem år:
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av to år:
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av fire år:
Transition from lower to upper secondary education, per cent:
Transitions from upper secondary education to tertiary education, per cent:
Proportion of vocational examinations passed:
Proportion of pupils who dropped out of school during the school year, measured by number of courses:
Andel av ungdommer i OT som er i utdanning og/eller arbeid neste år:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 1 again:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 1 again:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education program last year who are not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 3 this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending apprenticeship this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 vocational studies this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 general areas of studies this year:
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education program last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year:
Statistics Norway
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Gross investment expenditures, upper secondary school, per capita, consolidated accounts , Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, per 16-18 years old, consolidated accounts , Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, as a percentage of net operating expenditures, consolidated accounts ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Gross investment expenditures, upper secondary school, per capita, consolidated accounts
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, per 16-18 years old, consolidated accounts
Net operating expenditures, upper secondary education, as a percentage of net operating expenditures, consolidated accounts
Proportion net operating expenditures for school premises, administration, conveyance and boarding school, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, administration, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, teaching, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, general areas of study, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, vocational studies, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, national level courses, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, special education, consolidated accounts
Andel netto driftsutgifter til oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (561), konsern
Andel netto driftsutgifter til spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (562), konsern
Proportion of net operating expenditures, apprentices, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, adults in upper sec. education, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, consolidated accounts
Proportion of net operating expenditures, other educational activities, consolidated accounts
Financial strain by running upper secondary education, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for running upper secondary education for apprentices/trainees, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for school premises and dormitories, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for teaching leadership, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for all educational programmes/areas of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Økonomisk belastning 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern
Økonomisk belastning 562 spesialundervisning og særskilt tilpasset undervisning per elev, konsern
Financial strain for education programme specialisation in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme art, design and architecture, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Financial strain for tertiary vocational education, per student, consolidated accounts
Proportion of 16-18-year-olds in upper secondary education
Proportion of pupils in upper secondary education
Proportion of apprentices in upper secondary education
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in general fields of study
Proportion of pupils and apprentices in vocational studies
Proportion of young people with right to upper secondary education
Proportion of pupils who attend school outside county of residence
Proportion of apprentices with apprenticeship outside county of residence
Andel bestått trinn i videregående opplæring forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av tre år, 25 år og eldre
Andel deltakere som har bestått videregående opplæring i løpet av fem år, 25 år og eldre
Andel bestått praksiskandidatprøver forrige skoleår, 25 år og eldre
Proportion of pupils accepted at the course of their first choice
Proportion of applicants admitted as apprentices
Proportion of applicants not offered a place
Pupils in alternative apprentice training in school as a percentage of new apprentices. Per cent
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, upper secondary education and technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl grants to private enterprises) , consolidated accounts
Gross operating expenditures for apprentices, per apprentice (incl reimbursement from other counties), consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, school buildings, administration and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, administration, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjuted gross operating expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Wage expenditures, teaching, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Wage expenditures, all branches of study, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Wage expenditures, programmes for general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, vocational education programmes, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Wage expenditures, vocational education programme, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, national level courses, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Korr bto driftsutg 561 oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste per elev, konsern
Korr bto driftsutg 562 spesundervisning og særskilt tilpasset oppl per elev, konsern
Expenditures for municipal purchases, special education, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, oppfølgingstjenesten og pedagogisk psykologisk tjeneste (art 350 for funksjon 561) per elev, konsern
Utgifter, kjøp fra kommuner, spesialunderv og særskilt tilpasset opplæring (art 350 for funksjon 562) per elev, konsern
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, eduacation programme specialization in general studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme sports and physical studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme music, dance and drama, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Korr bto driftsutg 533 utdprog Kunst, design og arkitektur per elev, konsern
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme building and construction, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme electricity and electronics studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme design, arts and crafts, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme restaurant and food studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme healthcare, childhood and youth development studies, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme technical and industrial production, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme media and communication, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme agriculture, fishing and forestry, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, education programme service and transport, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Adjusted gross operating expenditures, technical vocational schools, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Wage expenditures, technical vocational school, per pupil, consolidated accounts
Pupils per school, county-owned schools
Proportion of contracted man-years adjusted for sick-leave and maternity leave, upper secondary schools
Pupils per teaching man-year, upper secondary schools
Proportion of teachers 40 years old or under
Proportion of teachers 41-49 years old
Proportion of teachers 50 years old or older
Proportion of teachers 50-59 years old
Proportion of teachers 60 years old or older
Proportion of female teachers
Proportion of teachers working full time
Proportion of female teachers working full time
Proportion of male teachers working full time
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, and educational science
Proportion of teachers with long tertiary education, without educational science
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, and educational science
Proportion of teachers with short tertiary education, without educational science
Proportion of teachers with upper secondary education
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within theoretical duration, previous year
Proportion of pupils and apprentices who passed upper secondary education within five years
Andel av elever som startet på yrkesfag som har oppnådd yrkeskompetanse/fag-/svennebrev i løpet av fem år
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av to år
Andel lærlinger som har bestått fag-/svenneprøve i løpet av fire år
Transition from lower to upper secondary education, per cent
Transitions from upper secondary education to tertiary education, per cent
Proportion of vocational examinations passed
Proportion of pupils who dropped out of school during the school year, measured by number of courses
Andel av ungdommer i OT som er i utdanning og/eller arbeid neste år
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 1 again
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 2 this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 1 again
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 1 vocational education program last year who are not attending education at upper secondary level this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year attending upper secondary level 3 this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 general areas of study last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending apprenticeship this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 vocational studies this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year who has re-elected at upper secondary level 2
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education programme last year attending upper secondary level 3 general areas of studies this year
Proportion of pupils at upper secondary level 2 vocational education program last year who is not attending education at upper secondary level this year
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1999 , 2000 , 2001 ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Classification of county authority
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.EAFK The country , EAFKUO The country except Oslo , 0100 Østfold county municipality ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Optional variable
EAFK The country
EAFKUO The country except Oslo
0100 Østfold county municipality
0200 Akershus county municipality
0300 Oslo
0400 Hedmark county municipality
0500 Oppland county municipality
0600 Buskerud county municipality
0700 Vestfold county municipality
0800 Telemark county municipality
0900 Aust-Agder county municipality
1000 Vest-Agder county municipality
1100 Rogaland county municipality
1200 Hordaland county municipality
1400 Sogn og Fjordane county municipality
1500 Møre og Romsdal county municipality
1600 Sør-Trøndelag county municipality
1700 Nord-Trøndelag county municipality
1800 Nordland county municipality
1900 Troms Romsa county municipality
2000 Finnmark Finnmarku county municipality
EFKA01 Øst-Norge
EFKA02 Sør-Norge
EFKA03 Vest-Norge
EFKA04 Midt-Norge
EFKA05 Nord-Norge
EFKA06 Oslo
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Figures for throughput and applicants will be published in June.
See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).
Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.