Upper secondary education

Updated: 14 February 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education
Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education
251 868
Upper secondary education
Upper secondary education
2023Change in per cent
2022 - 20232019 - 2023
Pupils199 42201
Apprentices and trainees1 52 44608
Pupils and apprentices and trainees251 86803
Immigrants38 36507
Norwegian-born16 367627
1Pupils in vocational training in schools are included
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Pupils in basic courses in upper secondary education per 1. october, by education programme and wishes for education programme
    Pupils in basic courses in upper secondary education per 1. october, by education programme and wishes for education programme
    Primary wishLower wishUnknown wish
    All education programmes64 24310 0333 611
    General areas of study32 8684 105392
    Sports and physical education4 0564018
    Music, dance and drama1 9101997
    Specialization in general studies24 5422 943350
    Art, design and architecture (Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)1 17216515
    Media and communication (Programme for general studies, Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)1 18839712
    Vocational studies31 3755 9283 219
    Building and construction3 9121 143223
    Electrical engineering and computer technology4 396487210
    Healthcare, childhood and youth development7 8821 1771 992
    Agriculture, fishing and forestry2 22026722
    Restaurant and food processing1 500405210
    Technological and industrial production6 0801 109251
    Crafts, design and product development (from 2020/2021)3068830
    Hairdressing, floral, interior and retail design (from 2020/2021)98131345
    Information technology and media production (from 2020/2021)1 52221657
    Sales, service and tourism (from 2020/2021)2 576723179
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils, apprentices, trainees in upper secondary education, students and participants in upper secondary education, by age, type of school/institution and gender.
    Pupils, apprentices, trainees in upper secondary education, students and participants in upper secondary education, by age, type of school/institution and gender.
    All ages0-15 years16-18 years19-24 years25-29 years30-34 years35 years or older
    Total265 974168184 17951 8079 2286 79413 798
    Upper secondary education199 517167170 73215 6473 4553 2116 305
    Apprenticeship training, apprentices1 50 490012 31727 8474 5002 4693 357
    Apprenticeship training, trainees1 95605361 198975174
    Other upper secondary education programmes2 1 25902258814469436
    Folk high schools6 16905505 4771012021
    Employment training5 659044417689153 531
    Preparatory course for engineering education9241186091635974
    Men138 9346394 01631 8475 0522 9005 056
    Upper secondary education95 6846384 3267 2781 2979751 745
    Apprenticeship training, apprentices1 35 99409 04820 6573 1161 4841 689
    Apprenticeship training, trainees1 3760376861652747
    Other upper secondary education programmes452062265327140
    Folk high schools2 40302422 1094453
    Employment training2 332022573583411 374
    Preparatory course for engineering education6930164591194158
    Women127 04010590 16319 9604 1763 8948 742
    Upper secondary education103 83310486 4068 3692 1582 2364 560
    Apprenticeship training, apprentices1 14 49603 2697 1901 3849851 668
    Apprenticeship training, trainees5800160337322427
    Other upper secondary education programmes8070163629142296
    Folk high schools3 76603083 368571518
    Employment training3 327021844105742 157
    Preparatory course for engineering education23112150441816
    1Pupils in vocational training in schools are included
    2Because of reorganization of the officer school education in The Norwegian Armed Forces ongoing pupils were not reported for the statistical year 2018.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education, by education programs , grade and county of residence
    Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education, by education programs , grade and county of residence
    TotalProgrammes for general studiesVocational education programmesTotalTotal
    Total199 517121 62477 89350 4901 956
    Upper secondary level 177 88737 36540 52200
    Upper secondary level 267 16733 82033 34727430
    Upper secondary level 354 46350 4394 02450 2161 926
    County of residence
    Viken (2020-2023)49 49032 43217 0589 881530
    Oslo22 13717 9824 1552 65277
    Innlandet13 0007 0305 9703 528112
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)15 9569 4266 5304 127199
    Agder12 1406 6525 4883 773130
    Rogaland19 70910 8368 8735 831209
    Vestland23 32613 4239 9037 020228
    Møre og Romsdal9 7125 3034 4092 83186
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage17 2829 4487 8345 264216
    Nordland - Nordlánnda7 9934 2063 7872 80076
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)8 3054 5193 7862 73490
    County not stated467367100493
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education, by education programmes /field of study. Percentage of women
    Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education, by education programmes /field of study. Percentage of women
    TotalPer cent womenTotalPer cent women
    Total199 4225252 44629
    General studies121 624570.
    Specialization in general studies95 210570.
    Sports and physical education12 596430.
    Music, dance and drama5 790690.
    Art, design and architecture (Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)3 590830.
    Media and communication (Programme for general studies, Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)4 438580.
    Vocational education77 7984452 44629
    Building and construction9 7811112 2419
    Design, arts and crafts0.36780
    Electrical engineering and computer technology10 36089 9787
    Healthcare, childhood and youth development22 790858 72479
    Media and communication (Vocational programme, before 2016)0.0.
    Agriculture, fishing and forestry5 615531 73537
    Restaurant and food processing3 471522 20649
    Service and transport0.93731
    Technological and industrial production13 6151611 29315
    Crafts, design and product development (from 2020/2021)7057315656
    Hairdressing, floral, interior and retail design (from 2020/2021)2 4749280491
    Information technology and media production (from 2020/2021)3 211171 49910
    Sales, service and tourism (from 2020/2021)5 776492 50651
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils , apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education in per cent of registered cohorts 16 -18 years, immigrants and norwegian-born to immigrant parents, by gender. 1 October
    Pupils , apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education in per cent of registered cohorts 16 -18 years, immigrants and norwegian-born to immigrant parents, by gender. 1 October1
    Pupils, apprentices and trainees
    Total populationImmigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parentsImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parents
    Both sexes92.585.379.893.6
    1Pupils in education leading to basic competence, and pupils in vocational training in schools are included
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils in folk high schools, long courses, by gender, age and completed/not completed education
    Pupils in folk high schools, long courses, by gender, age and completed/not completed education
    TotalCompletedNot Completed
    Total6 3575 9932 4413 552364139225
    Less than 19 years606547246301592336
    19 years3 9133 7521 3372 41516151110
    20 years or older1 8381 6948588361446579
    Explanation of symbols
  • Vocational examination candidates, by category and results
    Vocational examination candidates, by category and results
    Vocational examinationsPer cent passed
    TotalApprenticesPractice candidatesPupils1 TotalApprenticesPractice candidatesPupils1
    2010-201122 61814 9477 03563692929472
    2011-201223 27914 5438 05268491909476
    2012-201323 50315 3677 39674091909472
    2013-201425 06515 5878 80167793939575
    2014-201525 66915 6239 20684092929474
    2015-201626 65215 6559 9081 08993929481
    2016-201727 05815 83910 0601 15993939584
    2017-201827 92816 61210 1151 20193939482
    2018-201929 33717 77110 5431 02394949481
    2019-202028 21918 5568 6111 05292929480
    2020-202131 46819 37710 7911 30093929482
    2021-202230 32718 61510 3901 32294949482
    2022-202331 04818 19411 7591 09594949579
    1Pupils who have completed vocational examination after training in school.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Completed educational programmes in upper secondary education, by gender and results
    Completed educational programmes in upper secondary education, by gender and results1
    TotalCompleted2 Percentage completedTotal menPercentage completed, menTotal womenPercentage completed, women
    Total3 98 16288 5519048 3859049 77791
    Upper secondary education81 50574 1139140 7439040 76292
    [Upper secondary education, advanced course II/certificate50 45745 0018920 9448729 51391
    General studies47 94842 7008920 4428727 50691
    Specialisation in general studies (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)39 18834 6488816 4278622 76190
    Sports and physical studies (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)4 2493 964932 362911 88796
    Music, dance and drama (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)1 9361 80793657911 27995
    Art, design and architecture (Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)921825901838673891
    Media and communication (Programme for general studies, Knowledge Promotion Reform from 2016/2017)1 6541 456888138584191
    Vocational education2 3402 14792494881 84693
    Design, arts and crafts (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)1515100210013100
    Electrical engineering and computer technology (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)32288827855100
    Healthcare, childhood and youth development (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)1 3771 2579177691 30093
    Media and communication (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)52521002310029100
    Agriculture, fishing and forestry (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)864795923659249992
    Not an education programme in the Knowledge Promotion Reform1691549187516192
    Completed apprenticeship examinations31 04829 1129419 7999411 24994
    Vocational education30 96529 0379419 7659411 20094
    Building and construction (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)6 7676 338945 659941 10894
    Design, arts and crafts (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)693623901498854490
    Electrical engineering and computer technology (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)3 2022 979933 0119319196
    Healthcare, childhood and youth development (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)7 8667 266921 647916 21993
    Media and communication (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)1110011000.
    Agriculture, fishing and forestry (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)975930957139526297
    Restaurant and food (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)1 3001 213936529364894
    Service and transport (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)4 6714 413943 072941 59996
    Technological and industrial production (The Knowledge Promotion Reform)5 4905 274964 8619662998
    Not an education programme in the Knowledge Promotion Reform83759034944988
    Folk high schools6 3575 993942 580953 77794
    Employment training8 9497 214814 408804 54181
    Other upper secondary educational programmes1 3511 231916549569788
    1All pupils registered at Upper Secondary Advanced course within the period 1.10.-30.09., all apprentices and practice candidates who sat for examinations within the period 1.10.-30.09. and private candidates who passed.
    2Completed education means achieved general, vocational certificate or requirements for admission to tertiary education
    3Because of reorganization of the officer school education in The Norwegian Armed Forces about half of the data were reporten in the school year 2017/2018.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics gives number of pupils, apprentices, students and participants in upper secondary education.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 11 September 2021.

Enrolled pupils: Pupils, apprentices or trainees registered at an educational institution.

Reform 94: Gives youth from 16 to 19 years old a legalised right to education at the upper secondary level. This right was extended to all from 2000.

The Knowledge Promotion: New reform in upper secondary education. This reform was introduced in autumn 2006 and replaces the Reform 94. The new reform involves a transformation of the contents and structure of upper secondary education.

Course level: This is used to differentiate the three class levels in upper secondary education. The first year: Basic course or level 1, second year: advance course I/level 2 and third year: advance course II/level 3.

General areas of study (Reform 94): Includes courses in general, economic and management studies, music dance and drama, sports and physical education.

Programmes for General Studies (The Knowledge Promotion): Includes courses in specialization in general studies, sports and physical education, music, dance and drama, art, design and architecture and media and communication.

In autumn 2016 media and communication went from being a vocational education programme to a programme for general studies. Pupils who began in autumn 2015 or earlier continue this education.

Vocational areas of study (Reform 94): Includes courses in health and social studies, agriculture, fishing and forestry, arts, crafts and designs, hotel and food processing trades, building and construction trades, technical building, electrical trades, engineering and mechanical trades, chemical and processing trades, woodworking trades, media and communication, sales and service.

Vocational Education Programmes (The Knowledge Promotion): Includes courses in agriculture, fishing and forestry, building and construction, design, arts and crafts, electricity and electronics, healthcare, childhood and youth development, restaurant and food processing, service and transport, technical and industrial production, crafts, design and product development, harirdressing, floral, interior and retail design, information technology and media production and sales, service and tourism.

From the autumn of 2020, a new structure of courses and apprenticeships in vocational education programs was implemented. Design, arts and crafts and service and transport was split up, and replaced by four new education programes (crafts, design and product development, harirdressing, floral, interior and retail design, information technology and media production and sales, service and tourism). Those who startet autumn 2019 or earlier, complete their education according to the old structure. From the autumn of 2020 electricity and electronics was renamed to electrical engineering and computer technology, and technical and industrial production was renamed to technological and industrial production.

Trade and journeyman’s examination: Final examination taken on completion of an apprenticeship at a workplace or upper secondary school. Successful candidates are awarded a trade or journeyman’s certificate entitling them to practice the trade concerned.

Trainee: A person who take a less comprehensive test than the vocational examination.

Skills test: A test at a lower level than the vocational examination, a test in terms of the goals that are established for the training.

Alternative education program: Pupils in alternative curriculum. Former a separate education programme. From fall 2010 pupils in alternative education is primarily reported under the ordinary education programmes where they are connected.

Type of Education: Educational activity is classified by the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS2000). It groups different types of educations by levels and fields of orientation.

Ownership: Schools are classified into state, county, municipal and private schools.

Social background: Mother or father’s education background. The highest education level of one of the parents defines the pupils social background.

Basic requirements for higher education: Pupils who have completed and passed upper secondary education programme for general studies meet the basic requirements for higher education. Basic requirement can also be gained in vocational education programmes. Occupational skills can be attained normally after two years in school and two years of practical training in an organization (differs in some subject areas). Occupational skills can equally be attained after three years of vocational training, then attaining a certificate. A trainee take a less comprehensive test than the vocational examination, a skills test.

Adults in upper secondary education: This involves both adults in ordinary courses and others in specialised courses for adults.

Completed education: Educational activities completed at an educational institution within a specific period and apprentices and trainees who have taken a vocational examination.

Completed and passed: Among pupils, apprentices and trainees completed education also means that the individual has passed all courses that can lead to a certificate, vocational qualification or skills test. In folk high schools and other education programmes it means the pupil has completed the educational activity and may not have passed.

Municipality of residence: Is based on the registered address as of 1 October the current year.

School residence: Is based on the address of the school or apprenticeship workplace as of 1 October the current year.

Age: Per 31 December the current year.

Immigrants: These are persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents. Immigrants emigrated to Norway at some point.

Norwegian-born to immigrant parents: Persons who are born in Norway of two parents born abroad.

Other upper secondary education: Includes pupils in approved private schools. Also, pupils in a few other schools that has approval for economic support to upper secondary education by Lånekassen, and where the schools are not approved by the directorate for education and training.

Labour marked courses: Courses for adults arranged at upper secondary schools on behalf of NAV.

Foundation Course for Engineering Studies: A one-year course that provides the qualifications necessary for admission to and Engineering Bachelor programme in Norway.

Folk high schools: These are independent schools with an integrated goal and usually without a curriculum and normally without examinations.

Long courses in folk high schools: These are courses with a duration between 16.5 and 33 weeks.

Wishes for education programme - Primary wish: Primary wish for education programme fulfilled. Based on the wish-number on the applicants file. Lower wish: Primary wish for education programme not fulfilled, but a lower wish for education programme. Unknown wish: A small percent of the pupils did not apply for upper secondary education through VIGO. This is mainly pupils in adult education and pupils in private schools.

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education, which was created by Statistics Norway in 1970, groups the educational activity. The standard has been revised; the latest version is from 2000. The type of educational institution is classified by the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (NOS C 182).

Name: Upper secondary education
Topic: Education

Not yet determined

Division for Education and Culture Statistics

The statistics provide figures for the county and national level.


The statistics is reported to UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat.

All education statistics at Statistics Norway is stored in a proper, standardized manner in consultation with the Data Inspectorate.

The purpose of these statistics is to collect data on all upper secondary education in Norway, as regulated by the Education Act and also other upper secondary education programmes. It is in the public interest to create as accurate data as possible for research and planning. The statistics is individually based, and report each educational activity for each pupil, apprentice and trainee. All educational activities were attached to each person's Personal ID-number. Data on adult applicants and participants reported at individual levels with personal ID-numbers are included in the data. Individualized personal data on education has been collected since 1970.

Important users of the education statistics are public administration, special interest organizations, the media, researchers, business and industry. Key users are among the ministries are, in particular, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. The statistics is also used by international organizations such as the EU, the OECD and UNESCO.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Data on upper secondary education is included in the Norwegian National Education Database (NUDB). NUDB collects all statistics on ongoing and completed education from 1974/75 and BHU since 1970 in a common database.

Sections 2-2 and 2-3 and the Ministry of Finance's delegation letter of February 13. February 1990.

Data is delivered in accordance with EU legislation 1925/99 3711/91

The statistics include all pupils, apprentices and trainees registered at upper secondary education under the Education Act and completed education at upper secondary as well as folk high schools, vocational schools (as of 2015, vocational schools are not included), employment training and other upper secondary education programmes. There is also an annual collection of data on adults in specialised courses for adults since 2004.

Within upper secondary education, the counties own administrative data system, VIGO, is the main source as well as special registration systems for adults in the counties. For folk high schools, data on applicants and pupils is sent electronically to Statistics Norway. The various institutions are the source of data of the other areas within upper secondary education. Accredited web-based schools are included from 2012.

Data is collected from administrative registers from the counties main enrolment system, VIGO. The main purpose of VIGO is the management of the enrolment of pupils in upper secondary. The database however contains data on all pupils registered in county upper secondary schools. Data from private upper secondary schools are also reported through VIGO. VIGO also includes vocational education, which are persons in apprenticeship training or trainees, and sit for qualifying examination. The folk high schools report their data to the administration system NAVI. Statistics Norway gather necessary statistics from this server. Statistics Norway also receives data from the Labour Directorate and other upper secondary institutions.

All education data undergo various on-receipt controls. It encompasses deletion of duplicates (units with identical Personal ID-number), a control of correct and valid values for each variable. The data is also recoded so they are comparable. All Personal ID-numbers are checked for errors.

The statistics is based on enumeration of the number registered pupils, apprentices and trainees, completed education or vocational examination or skills test, and adults registered in an educational activity as at 30 September in the reporting year.

Not relevant

The general rule is not to publish data if less than 3 pupils are found within a cell or unit in a table. This is to prevent identification of individuals within the statistics.

Individually based education statistics was collected for the first time in 1974, and has been published annually since then. Most variables are comparable, but some have changed. The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education has been revised to secure comparability over time. Data on trainees was collected for the first time in 2006.

A statistical investigation may be encumbered with various sorts of error. Errors may occur during the collection of data if units being investigated are not identical to the mass of units we aim at describing. Other types of error may occur during the coding the data collected.

Errors in data collected from administrative registers can be caused by uncertainties in the definition of variables and values between those responsible for the registers and others responsible for data collection from the registers.

Other sources of error can be the quality of the personal and school data in the registers or the registration process of data input into the registers. Such errors can affect the quality of the data if the control and revision processes in Statistics Norway are not comprehensive enough.

Not relevant
