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This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in StatBank Norway. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.

04362: Population, by region, sex, age, contents and year


Magnus Haug, Statistics Norway
+47 40811491
Karstein Sørlien, Statistics Norway
+47 47 70 16 35
2024-02-25 08:00
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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04362: Population, by region, sex, age, contents and year

01051205 Skjeberg 
0-5 years0
6-15 years0
16-19 years0
20-24 years0
25-29 years0
30-49 years0
50-59 years0
60-66 years0
67-69 years0
70-79 years0
80 years or older0
0-5 years0
6-15 years0
16-19 years0
20-24 years0
25-29 years0
30-49 years0
50-59 years0
60-66 years0
67-69 years0
70-79 years0
80 years or older0

Saved query 10012703
1 most recent time periods
All 1s and 2s have been replaced by '0' or '3' in order to meet privacy requirements. For 2001 and 2011, figures are from the population and housing census November 2001 and 2011. From 2013 and later, the figures are as of 1 January each year.


Figures for urban districts have been rounded to meet privacy requirements. When figures for urban districts are aggregated to municipality level, deviations from the corresponding figures published for municipalities may occur.


See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).

Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.


In the 2011 Population and Housing Census, persons are grouped according to age at census date (19 November). In the 2001 Census, persons were grouped according to age at the end of the year (31 December).
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