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  1. Population growth at 39 400 in 2019

    Norway’s population statistics. Stable immigration count, fewer births After the number of immigrations spiked at 79 500 in 2011, it fell quickly in the following years

  2. Updated numbers on immigrants 2001

    6.3 per cent of the countrys entire population. Fully 65 per cent of the immigrant population are from non-Western countries, while 35 per cent have a Western background

  3. Young people positive towards immigrants

    . Three out of four immigrants in Norway had non-western background. The employment rate for this group has been stable over the last year, but is substantially lower than for the population as a whole

  4. Bosnians – the integration champions?

    . The gender distribution is also roughly the same in all age groups. However, women are overrepresented in the age groups over 65, in the same way as in the Norwegian population in general

  5. Statistical Yearbook of Norway 2013, Table 107: Percentage of the population aged 65 or over. Selected countries

    Close window 107 Percentage of the population aged 65 or over. Selected countries1

  6. Are young immigrants a marginalised group?

    of active men in all three population groups. Among the non-immigrant population, the proportion is indeed small (only 2.6 percentage points), but for

  7. Many new Syrian immigrants

    . The highest relative growth in 2016 was among immigrants from Syria. The number of immigrants grew by 26 400 in 2016, which is the lowest percentage growth since 2002

  8. More immigrant-friendly attitudes

    ‘most immigrants represent a source of insecurity in society’ went down by 5 percentage points to 27 per cent. This

  9. The gender-divided labour market

    . Figures from the survey on use of time show that women still spend an average of over one hour more a day on housework

  10. 06522: Percentage of people in households with annual after-tax income per consumption unit below different distances to the median income (per cent) (closed series) 1996 - 2003

    ) EU-scale 50 per cent, EU-scale 60 per cent, OECD-scale 50 per cent, OECD-scale 60 per cent Total population, Total population, students not included, People aged 16 years and over, People aged 25-65

  11. 08763: Percentage of people in households with annual after-tax income per consumption unit below different distances to the median income (per cent) (closed series) 2004 - 2012

    ) EU-scale 50 per cent, EU-scale 60 per cent, OECD-scale 50 per cent, OECD-scale 60 per cent Total population, Total population, students not included, People aged 16 years and over, People aged 25-65

  12. Skewed distribution in social background in Norwegian academia

    . Among the students, this applied to 60 per cent, while the same was true for 46 per cent of the population with higher education and 32 per cent of the general population

  13. Norwegian cultural barometer 2023

    . 65 per cent of the respondents visited the cinema during the last 12 months of 2023, marking an increase of 25 percentage points from 2021

  14. Resettlement refugees in Norway 2023

    . At the beginning of 2023, there will be over 48 000 resettlement refugees in Norway

  15. Digitalisation in the Norwegian municipalities: Development from 2018 to 2022

    ” and “Virtual meeting rooms” are the most popular cloud solutions in 2022, over 90 percent of the municipalities are using each of them