This is an archived release.
More Polish emigrated than immigrated
On 1 October, the population reached 5 252 200, growing by 15 300 during the third quarter. The emigration, with 11 200 is still high, and the figure was highest for Poles. Among those who immigrated, the majority were Syrians.
3rd quarter 2016 | 3rd quarter 2015 | Changes from same period previous year | |
Population at the beginning of the quarter | 5 236 826 | 5 189 435 | 47 391 |
Births | 15 455 | 15 962 | -507 |
Deaths | 9 518 | 9 371 | 147 |
Excess of births | 5 937 | 6 591 | -654 |
Immigration | 20 573 | 20 484 | 89 |
Emigration | 11 170 | 11 076 | 94 |
Net migration, immigration and emigration incl | 9 403 | 9 408 | -5 |
Population growth | 15 340 | 15 999 | -659 |
Population at the end of the quarter | 5 252 166 | 5 205 434 | 46 732 |

The net migration of 9 400 was at the same level as in the third quarter of 2015, and the number of immigrations and emigrations at 20 600 and 11 200 respectively, was about the same level as last year. The net migration in the third quarter in the two last years has been the lowest since the third quarter of 2006. This is due to the increase in emigration.
The excess of births at 5 900 was 650 lower than the third quarter last year.
Largest immigration of Syrian citizens
A total of 3 900 Syrian citizens were registered as immigrated to Norway in the third quarter, and nearly 1 300 Poles. The number of immigrants with citizenship from countries with conflicts increased, while immigration due to work decreased. The other larger groups who immigrated in the third quarter were Swedes, Filipinos and Lithuanians.
Largest emigration of Polish and Swedish citizens
The emigration of foreign citizens in the third quarter was at the same level as emigrations in the third quarter last year, but higher than the same quarter in earlier years. Polish and Swedish citizens were the largest groups of foreigners who emigrated, with 1 400 and 1 000 respectively. More Polish and Swedish citizens emigrated than immigrated. The other larger groups of immigrants to Norway; Syrians, Afghans and Eritrean citizens, saw higher immigration than emigration.
Low birth figures
The excess of births was 5 900 in the third quarter. Almost 15 450 children were born, and 9 500 persons died. The birth figure was 500 lower than the same quarter last year, and is the lowest since the third quarter of 2007. The number of deaths was 150 higher than the same quarter last year.
All counties had an excess of births, except Hedmark. The excess of births was largest in Oslo with 1 700.
Net migration in all counties
All counties had net migration from abroad. Sogn and Fjordane experienced the greatest net migration in relation to population, with a net migration of 500.
Total migration, both internal and migration from abroad, saw more in-migrations than out-migrations in all counties except Rogaland and Finnmark. Rogaland was the county with the biggest migration loss, with 300.
Six of the counties had an internal migration surplus. Seen in relation to population, Sør-Trøndelag had the biggest net migration in the third quarter, with 1 600, followed by Oslo and Akershus. Finnmark, Nordland and Rogaland had the biggest internal migration loss relative to the population.
Lower population growth so far this year
During the first three quarters, the population increased by 38 200, which is 1 500 lower than the three first quarters last year. The decrease in population growth continues, which is due to the increase in emigration.
A total of 45 800 children were born in the first three quarters, which is similar to the previous year. Since 2013, the number of births has remained at the same level during the first three quarters. The number of deaths so far this year is 30 100, which is 500 fewer than last year.
With a population growth of 15 600, Oslo and Akershus had the biggest growth in population, and this represented 40 per cent of total growth in Norway. For Oslo and Akershus, this was about 1 000 lower than last year. After Oslo and Akershus follows Sør-Trøndelag, with a population growth of 3 300 so far this year.
Clearing-up in the Central Population RegisterOpen and readClose
The Tax Administration continuously updates the Central Population Register to reflect the status of persons who no longer live in Norway. These updates have been standard practice in recent years.
Short-term stays and asylum seekersOpen and readClose
Persons who stay in Norway for less than 6 months are not included in the figures. Asylum seekers are included when they are granted a residence permit. Figures for asylum seekers can be found on the UDI website.
Magnus Haug
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Karstein Sørlien
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