The five largest country groups in Norway are Immigrants are persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents. from Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Syria and Somalia. There are 105 500 immigrants in Norway with a Polish country background. Table 09817 shows an overview of immigrants in Norway by country background and their percentage of total population, while table 07110 shows the number of immigrants by world region.

There were 205 800 Norwegian-born to Immigrant Parents are born in Norway of two parents born abroad and in addition have four grandparents born abroad. in Norway at the beginning of 2021. 09817 shows Norwegian-born to Immigrant Parents by country background and their percentage of the total population.

In the statistics bank, there are several tables that gives a detailed overview of both country background, immigration category and year. Table 12610 shows immigrants and Norwegian-born to Immigrant Parents, by country background in districts in Oslo. Table 13055 shows immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents by sex, age and different classifications of world regions.