Wages represent payment for work performed in an employment relationship. Linked to a specific time, for instance hourly wages, weekly wages or monthly salary. In wage statistics, to be able to compare earnings for full-time and part-time employees, the earnings for a part-time employee are recalculated to the earnings a full-time employee would receive. The monthly earnings are the main term in Statistics Norway’s wage statistics. Monthly earnings cover basic salaries, variable additional allowances and bonuses. Overtime pay is not included in monthly earnings. Fringe benefits, expense allowances and similar benefits are not included in the wages concept.

Income is a broader term than wages. Besides wages from work, income includes business income, investment income (such as interest and dividends) and various transfers such as pensions from social security, family allowances, sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, housing allowances and social assistance.

Income and wealth statistics are household statistics.

Tax statistics are social statistics.

Overview page incomes and consumption.