
Discussion papers

Discussion papers presenterer forskningsstoff som sikter mot å ende opp som en internasjonal publikasjon og distribueres for kommentarer og forslag.

Et Discussion paper kan være lengre og fyldigere enn det som er vanlig for en artikkel ved at blant annet ugjennomsiktige mellomrekninger, resultater og bakgrunnsmateriale blir inkludert.


  • Work less but stay longer - Mature workerresponse to a flexibility reform

    Discussion Papers no. 937

    Erik Hernæs, Zhiyang Jia, John Piggott and Trond Christian Vigtel


    Reducing the eligibility age for pension benefits is considered by many as a policy that will discourage labor supply by mature workers. This paper analyzes a recent Norwegian pension reform which effectively lowered the eligibility age of retirement from 67 to 62 for a group of workers.

  • Capturing Key Energy and Emission Trends in CGE models

    Discussion Papers no. 936

    Taran Fæhn, Gabriel Bachner, Robert Beach, Jean Chateau, Shinichiro Fujimori, Madanmohan Ghosh, Meriem Hamdi-Cherif, Elisa Lanzi, Sergey Paltsev, Toon Vandyck, Bruno Cunha, Rafael Garaffa, Karl Steininger


    Limiting global warming in line with the goals in the Paris Agreement will require substantial technological and behavioural transformations.

  • Who and how many can work from home in Norway?

    Discussion Papers no. 935

    Henning Holgersen, Zhiyang Jia, Simen Svenkerud


    The COVID-19 crisis has forced great societal changes, including forcing many to work remotely (work from home) in an effort to increase social distancing.

  • Predicting the exchange rate path

    Discussion Papers no. 934

    Håvard Hungnes


    Central banks, private banks, statistical agencies and international organizations such as the IMF and OECD typically use information about the exchange rate some weeks before the publication date as the basis for their exchange rate forecasts.

  • Acceptance of national wind power development and exposure

    Discussion Papers no. 933

    Anders Dugstad, Kristine Grimsrud, Gorm Kipperberg, Henrik Lindhjem and Ståle Navrud


    Despite a large stated-preference literature on wind power externalities, few SP studies employ a case-control approach to examine whether people´s acceptance of new wind power developments increases or decreases with exposure to and familiarity with wind turbines.

  • Distance and choice of field: Evidence from a Norwegian college expansion reform

    Discussion Papers no. 932

    Tora K. Knutsen, Jørgen Modalsli and Marte Rønning


    How can geographical proximity to college explain field of study choices? We empirically address this question using the major expansion of university colleges in Norway in the second half of the twentieth century, when 33 new education institutions were established in areas that did not previously have any institutions for higher education.

  • Equal predictability test for multi-step-ahead system forecasts invariant to linear transformations

    Discussion Papers no. 931

    Håvard Hungnes


    The paper derives a test for equal predictability of multi-step-ahead system forecasts that is invariant to linear transformations.

  • Marginal compensated effects and the slutsky equation for discrete choice models

    Discussion Papers no. 930

    John K. Dagsvik


    In many instances the consumer faces choice settings where the alternatives are discrete. Examples include choice between variants of differentiated products, urban transportation modes, residential locations, types of education, etc.

  • Ways to project fertility in Europe

    Discussion Papers no. 929

    Rebecca Folkman Gleditsch and Astri Syse


    National statistical offices responsible for population projections should regularly evaluate their work. Norway is currently considering changing the way fertility is projected.

  • Estimating long-run income inequality from mixed tabular data: Empirical evidence from Norway, 1875-2017

    Discussion Papers no. 928

    Rolf Aaberge, Anthony B. Atkinson and Jørgen Modalsli


    This paper proposes a non-parametric approach for estimating inequality in the overall distribution of income on the basis of tabular data from different sources, some in a highly aggregated form.

  • Modeling R&D spillovers to productivity: The effects of tax policy

    Discussion Papers no. 927

    T. von Brasch, Å. Cappelen, H. Hungnes and T. Skjerpen


    We study the role of R&D spillovers when modelling total factor productivity (TFP) by industry. 

  • Estimating the elasticity of taxable income when earnings responses are sluggish

    Discussion Papers no. 926

    Trine Engh Vattø


    Estimates of the elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is conventionally obtained by “stacking” three-year overlapping differences in the estimation.

  • The marginal (opportunity) cost of public funds

    Discussion Papers no. 925

    Geir H. M. Bjertnæs


    Several studies show cases where the Samuelson rule holds, or where the marginal cost of public funds (MCF) equals one within optimized tax systems.

  • Revisions in the Norwegian National Accounts

    Discussion Papers no. 924

    Magnus Kvåle Helliesen, Håvard Hungnes, Terje Skjerpen


    This paper investigates the quality of preliminary figures in the Norwegian national accounts. To address the problem of few observations in such analyses, we use some recently developed system tests.

  • What can we learn about household consumption expenditure from data on income and assets?

    Discussion Papers no. 923

    Lasse Eika, Magne Mogstad, and Ola L. Vestad


    The goal of this paper is to examine the advantages and difficulties of deriving consumption expenditure measures from register data on income and assets.

  • Effects of policy on fertility: A systematic review of (quasi)experiments

    Discussion Papers no. 922

    Janna Bergsvik, Agnes Fauske, and Rannveig K. Hart


    This paper describes the results of a systematic review of the literature of policy effects on fertility after 1970 in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia.

  • Does health influence fertility?

    Discussion Papers no. 921

    Astri Syse, Lars Dommermuth and Rannveig K. Hart


    Poor health may constrain women’s capacity for active leisure, including family life and childrearing, for participation in the labor market and potentially affect preferences. Still, health remains remarkably understudied as a fertility determinant.

  • Smart hedging against carbon leakage

    Discussion Papers no. 920

    Christoph Böhringer, Knut Einar Rosendahl, and Halvor Briseid Storrøsten


    Policy makers in the EU and elsewhere are concerned that unilateral carbon pricing induces carbon leakage through relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries to other regions.

  • Impacts of hospital wait time on patient health and labor supply

    Discussion Papers no. 919

    Anna Godøy, Venke Furre Haaland, Ingrid Huitfeldt and Mark Votruba


    We estimate the effects of wait time for orthopedic surgery on health and labor market outcomes of Norwegian workers.

  • Imperfect competition, compensating differentials and rent sharing in the U.S. labor market

    Discussion Papers no. 918

    Thibaut Lamadon, Magne Mogstad, and Bradley Setzler


    The primary goal of this paper is to quantify the importance of imperfect competition in the U.S. labor market by estimating the size of rents earned by American firms and workers from ongoing employment relationships.

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