External economy;National accounts and business cycles;External economy

International accountsQ3 2019


Financial transactions, assets and liabilities abroad. Financial instrument. NOK million
3rd quarter 20184th quarter 20181st quarter 20192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 2019
Foreign assets
Equity and Investment Fund shares/units33 696285 794121 90965 42171 768
Debt securities41 818-57 497-148 53121 15028 596
Other equity0178---
Currency and deposits31 030-102 07699 468105 660-108 624
Loans-33 44768 87724 711-49 694-26 012
Insurance, pension schemes, and standardised guarantee schemes-3472 022-1 231-1 0291 898
Trade credits and advances-431-2 8411 592-6 915-2 720
Other accounts recievable/payable26 02912 06517 0518 09435 463
Reserve assets (IMF breakdown)-7 624-5 09827 3591 171-4 183
Equity and Investment Fund shares/units28 26734 90731 104-8 55814 208
Debt securities36 137-10 336112 32933 97838 841
Other equity-----
Currency and deposits16 140-2 04863 46832 440-58 163
Loans-27 841140 103-110 47510 025-46 899
Insurance, pension schemes, and standardised guarantee schemes-1 1111 0041 972-479265
Trade credits and advances-640-271-1 1541 0031 946
Other accounts recievable/payable-31 720-4 84946 432-26 99769 987
Liabilities - Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)-----
NET LENDING, FINANCIAL ACCOUNT71 49242 914-1 348102 446-23 999