Health & society
The links below lead to all statistics on Svalbard. To access the Svalbard numbers directly, please pick the relevant page and follow the link to the Statbank. In the Statbank, choose the tables that contain numbers for municipalities, marked (M). Links to the statistics that give numbers exclusively for Svalbard are found at the bottom of this page.
Academic and special libraries
Statistics over libraries at Norwegian universities and university colleges, public and private special libraries.
Museums and collections
The statics give an overview of the activities in the Norwegian museums during the year.
Offences and victims reported to the police
Show offences reported by type of offence, scene of crime and police district
Offences investigated
Shows police decision and persons charged by age, sex, place of residence, citizenship, recidivism and type of offence.
Penal sanctions
Shows type of sanction and offence, person’s age, sex, place of residence and citizenship
Analyses, articles and publications
Showing 0 of 0
Special Svalbard-statistics

Population of SvalbardThe statistics give a view of the population of Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund by age, sex and household size, as well as in- and out migration, births and deaths.

Industry statistics for SvalbardThe statistics provide insight into the development and structure of the various industries in Svalbard.