
Social conditions, welfare and crime: Crime and justice

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  • Fewer adults and more children among offenders

    The police and prosecution authority completed the investigation of 288 100 offences in 2019. Among these, 141 100 were considered solved. This led to 143 400 charges against 69 350 different offenders, of which 2 928 were children under 15 years ...

  • This is Norway 2020

    This is Norway presents statistics from a variety of areas and seeks to give an overview of Norwegian society and its developments in recent years.

  • Drop in offences without victims

    In 2019, a total of 310 000 offences were registered by the police and prosecution authority, which is 2.5 per cent less than the year before. The decrease is related to an extended drop in narcotic offences and other offences without registered v...

  • From abuse to sanction

    Reports 2020/22

    Police-reported domestic violence and child abuse has led to major changes in registered violent crime in the last 15 years. But what happens in the judicial system once domestic violence or child abuse is reported to the police?

  • Nearly all sanctions are fines

    In 2018, the overall decline in sanctions continued, but was less marked than in recent years. Various types of fines continue to dominate the statistics, either individually or in combination with other types of sanctions, and fines make up about...

  • Further drop in solved offences

    A total of 287 600 offences were investigated by the police and prosecution authority in 2018, which is 0.4 per cent less than the year before. A continued decline in solved offences led to fewer charged persons.

  • Fewer days in prison in 2017

    Compared to the historic peak year of 2016, the number of prison days for all types of imprisonment was lower in 2017.

  • More people fell victim of fraud

    The decline in reported property thefts continued in 2018, but an increase of 19 per cent in persons who fell victim of fraud led to an overall increase in victims of crime.

  • Fewest sentences in 30 years

    Compared to the year before, most types of penal sanctions saw a drop in 2017. A significant decline in court-issued sanctions means that the number of sentences is the lowest since 1987.

  • Fewer reported thefts and narcotic offences

    The police and prosecution authority registered 317 900 offences during 2018. This is on par with the record low year 2017, and the reports show a continued drop in theft and narcotic offences.

  • Further decline of victims of theft, not threats and violence

    In 2018, 9.0 per cent of the adult population reported that they had been victims of incidents of theft, damage, violence or threats of violence during the past year. This is lower than in all previous surveys on living conditions. The share of vi...

  • Fewer offences solved in the year of reform 2017

    The police and prosecution authority completed the investigation of 288 800 offences in 2017. This is 9.6 per cent fewer than in the record low year of 2016, and the drop in the number of solved offences and corresponding charges against perpetrat...

  • 8 100 children under 15 years victims of violence and sexual offences

    2017 saw a continued decline in victims of offences, but more children under 15 years of age were registered as victims of violence and maltreatment and sexual offences.

  • Three out of four sanctioned are men

    There has been a decrease in many types of penal sanctions over the last ten years. The share of men among those sanctioned has also fallen, but the large majority are still men.

  • Women and men in Norway 2018

    Who are the women and men in Norway? Statistics Norway presents similarities and differences between women and men in Norway within areas of society we can describe with statistics in Women and men in Norway.
