Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2018 Reports 2020/08 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unemployment at 3.9 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 4.0 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
People aged 16-39 years with immigrant background in employment and education 2018 Reports 2020/01 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.9 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in full-time employed women Articles Labour market and earnings
Mobility among people with a trade or journeyman's certificate Reports 2019/31 Education, Labour market and earnings
Increase in unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Regional projections of demand for health and care services, 2017-2035 Reports 2019/26 Health, Labour market and earnings
Workplace segregation among employed with immigrant background in Norway Reports 2019/24 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unemployment at 3.6 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.4 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings