166 000 working days lost
9 May 2017
Labour market and earnings
43 per cent of disabled people employed
5 September 2017
Labour market and earnings
60 per cent of immigrants are employed
30 March 2017
Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
A Comparison of the labour market integration of immigrants and refugees in Canada and Norway
Reports 2009/31
9 September 2009
Labour market and earnings
A simple model for studying the effects of proxy interviewing: the Norwegian Labour Force Survey as a case study
Documents 2008/2
15 January 2008
Labour market and earnings
Almost unchanged sickness absence
22 June 2017
Labour market and earnings, Health
Are young immigrants a marginalised group?
3 April 2007
Education, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Basis for assessment of the long run labour supply potential in Norway
Reports 2013/09
13 March 2013
Labour market and earnings
Cohort Analysis: Documentation for the cohort analysis component of the OECD data table delivery
Documents 2018/21
11 May 2018
Labour market and earnings
Collecting data on wages for the labour force survey: a pilot
Documents 2004/7
1 June 2004
Labour market and earnings
Continued decline among immigrants
9 May 2017
Labour market and earnings
Continuing increase in the workforce
25 October 2018
Labour market and earnings
Decrease in man-weeks worked
23 April 2020
Labour market and earnings
Decrease in unemployment
26 June 2019
Labour market and earnings
Decreased labour force participation
22 October 2020
Labour market and earnings