Water and waste water


Business statistics
Provides information on the activity in the Norwegian business sector
Municipal wastewater
Describes different sides of the municipal wastewater sector e.g. fees, facilities, sludge disposal
Municipal water supply
Describes topics in the municipal water sector.

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 3 of 3
  1. Municipal wastewater – Expenditures, investments, wastewater fees, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2022

    This report summarizes the most important findings regarding the status of the municipal wastewater sector in Norway, and covers topics like expenditures and investments, fees, compliance with treatment permits, discharges of nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, a few organic pollutants, treatment efficiencies, number of wastewater treatment plants, capacity, number of people connected, heavy metal content in sewage sludge and disposal of sewage sludge.

  2. Municipal wastewater – Expenditures, investments, wastewater fees, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2021

    This report summarizes the most important findings regarding the status of the municipal wastewater sector in Norway, and covers topics like expenditures and investments, fees, compliance with treatment permits, discharges of nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, a few organic pollutants, treatment efficiencies, number of wastewater treatment plants, capacity, number of people connected, heavy metal content in sewage sludge and disposal of sewage sludge.

  3. Municipal wastewater - Expenditures, investments, wastewater fees, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2020

    This report summarizes the most important findings regarding the status of the municipal wastewater sector in Norway, and covers topics like expenditures and investments, fees, compliance with treatment permits, discharges of nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, a few organic pollutants, treatment efficiencies, number of wastewater treatment plants, capacity, number of people connected, heavy metal content in sewage sludge and disposal of sewage sludge.

Older analyses, articles and publications for subtopic water and waste water.