Notice of maintenance 11 September

Due to maintenance work 11 September, and Statbank will be unavailable in a period between 8 pm and 10 pm.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Population and public economics

Research in this area develops knowledge that supports the planning of welfare policies. Every two years, population projections are computed, supported by the latest research on fertility, family change, mortality, migration and immigration. The micro-simulation model MOSART is continuously improved by the researchers and used in the analysis of changes in the pension system, among other things. The significance for public revenues and expenditures, labour supply, macroeconomics and income distribution are other important research topics.


Ongoing research

Demographic development, education, labour supply and pensions (MOSART)

MOSART is an economic model used in the analysis of effects from demographic development, economic policy and other important factors on education, labour supply and public pension expenditures. In recent years a large part of the resources has been devoted to analysing effects form different specifications of the new public pension system in Norway. A major part of the analyses are made for the Ministries of Finance, Labour and Education by further development and use of the dynamic microsimulation model MOSART.


National population projections

Statistics Norway produces the population projections for Norway. This is one of Statistics Norway’s ongoing tasks and is financed by the central government. Population projections are a key tool in both local and national planning.


Regional population projections

Statistics Norway produces population projections for Norwegian municipalities. Regional population projections are a key tool in local planning. They are also used in other types of economic and demographic projections and are of interest to public authorities, the private sector and the general public.


Generations and Gender Programme in Norway

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) is an interdisciplinary research data infrastructure on the ESFRI Roadmap. It is dedicated to collecting, processing, and disseminating cross-nationally comparable longitudinal data on young adults, families, generational exchanges, and the life trajectories of both women and men. These data play a crucial role in addressing pivotal scientific and societal inquiries pertaining to demographic changes.


Fertility Decline

The point of departure for the project is the observed decline in fertility rates in Norway and other Nordic countries since 2010.


The Gender Pay Gap: Firms, Children, and Unpaid Work

Women earn less than men. The earnings difference narrows substantially when comparing individuals within the same firm; however, we know little about why men and women sort into different firms, or earn different wages within the same firm.


Geographic distribution of health care (GeoHealth)

The overarching aim of the project is to estimate causal effects of travel distances to health care services on utilization, costs and quality. This will help facilitate the design of efficient policy measures ensuring qualified health care personnel throughout the country and to obtain novel knowledge on causes and consequences of travel distance to health care. 


The family lives of children of immigrants in Norway

Across Europe, new generations of young migrant-background individuals are entering adulthood. Will the children of immigrants to a larger degree than their immigrant parents cross some of the boundaries separating them from majority populations? This project studies one aspect of integration and adaptation into receiving societies, namely family behavior.