Pension funds

Updated: 2 July 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Total assets for pension funds
Total assets for pension funds
500 076
NOK million
Key figures. NOK Million
Key figures. NOK Million
Assets455 861500 076
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates278 450308 005
Bonds and certificates148 086160 325
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance23 23429 249
Net income from financial assets-23 94237 786
profitt/loss on ordinary activities-1 4585 275
Gross pensions and claims payment11 74312 469
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Pension funds. Profitt and loss account. NOK million
    Pension funds. Profitt and loss account. NOK million
    Earned premiums, net of reinsurance17 11121 23522 66823 23429 249
    Gross premiums written16 62214 13520 66322 12027 548
    Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-15-17-17-24-30
    Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies5047 1172 0221 1381 731
    Claims incurred, net of reinsurance9 83911 46411 80313 28213 120
    Gross pensions and claims payments9 75210 42810 93611 74312 469
    Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-1-2....0
    Other appropriations..........
    Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies881 0398671 539652
    Net change in technical provisions38 07635 25340 808-13 37047 460
    Premium reserve11 5469 39615 15813 09021 999
    Other technical provisions4 5187 1864 859-1 1121 768
    To/from revaluation reserve18 76112 99711 936-18 0098 947
    To/from buffer funds.....-10 5768 196
    Means allocated insurance contracts3 2505 6748 8553 2386 549
    Other operating income (+)/costs (-)-484-517-793-838-1 179
    Commision received.....7712
    Operating income from real property786855808735722
    Other operating income4478424881
    Personell costs715693793269289
    Commision submitted5344101124189
    Operating costs from real property116151245263533
    Depreciation, impairment and net change in valuation of non-financial assets.....12
    Other operating costs4295625041 041981
    Investment income (+)/ charges (-)8 1147 6928 8316 5247 981
    Bonds and certificates3 9823 4083 4034 1015 448
    Interest income other assets438797670275597
    Share dividend etc.3 7183 5234 7992 3112 106
    Interest charges243642163171
    Gains/losses, Value (re-)adjustments on financial assetes27 71522 82527 321-30 46629 805
    Realized gains/losses6 6507 20415 0545 9498 504
    Shares, participations and primary capital certificates8 5937 06413 2699 7549 657
    Bonds and certificates29881091-5941 302
    Financial derivatives-2 191-7061 699-3 202-2 499
    Land and buildings458-82
    Other realized gains/losses-5431-14-143
    Net change in value21 06615 62112 268-36 41521 301
    Shares, participations and primary capital certificates18 08413 07115 168-32 13816 489
    Bonds and certificates6591 419-1 800-5 1223 852
    Financial derivatives1 921839-1 7846141 155
    Land and buildings244302444356-147
    Other value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-)158-10239-126-48
    Profitt/loss on ordinary activities4 5414 5185 417-1 4585 275
    Other results components27-3015-2625
    Profitt/loss4 4244 1174 930-1 6044 554
    Balance on the technical account for pension funds9481 1822 227....
    Value-adjusted profitt/loss23 30217 51517 353....
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pension funds. Balance sheet. NOK million
    Pension funds. Balance sheet. NOK million
    Intangible assets00000
    Tangible fixed assets9 41110 07110 88811 48211 423
    Land and buildings9 40610 06610 88411 47911 421
    Machinery, equipment and veichles55532
    Capital investments368 050405 321440 305427 969470 343
    Shares, participation and primary capital certificates53 07960 80065 94473 74369 264
    Shares in securities' funds170 302201 157227 530204 707238 741
    Bonds and certificates143 368141 472146 323148 086160 325
    Financial derivatives1 1321 8905071 4332 014
    Other capital investment1702......
    Loans10 02210 17211 8122 7052 976
    Remaining claims2 9623 6653 9925 2765 409
    Insurance claims4665781 059831661
    Reinsurance share of technical provisions54....15
    Other claims2 4913 0822 9334 4454 734
    Cash and bank deposits11 9909 5358 3838 4299 924
    Total assets402 436438 763475 380455 861500 076
    Liabilities and equity capital
    Equity capital48 00452 60256 64955 62960 236
    Deposit capital13 88614 49214 42815 03415 618
    Share premium account354085....
    Other deposit capital13 85114 45114 34215 03415 618
    Retained earnings34 11838 10942 22140 59544 618
    Other equity34 11838 10942 22140 59544 618
    Subordinated liabilities6591 1891 1611 1191 104
    Other subordinated liabilities6591 1891 1611 1191 104
    Technical provisions351 293381 887414 614394 727433 253
    Premium reserve275 472283 933299 488313 522334 508
    Additional provision22 97326 45624 66611 66611 384
    Revaluation reserve42 82454 39971 59926 43835 182
    Net provision for outstanding claims..........
    Buffer funds.....29 32338 275
    Premium provision and pension provision10 02417 09918 86113 77813 904
    Provisions for other charges59666769892813
    Provisions for pension67102112138113
    Deffered tax461493510-214556
    Other provisions for charges687177168145
    Remaining liabilities1 8842 4192 2574 2954 669
    Expences accrued576721171....
    Defferes income12615....
    Payable tax200238412331479
    Insurance liabilities3530817....
    Other liabilities9131 0141 1302 7493 409
    Financial derivatives147765221 214782
    Total liabilities402 436438 763475 380455 861500 076
    Number of companies9086838077
    Loan with morgage on dwelling561462318507549
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pension funds. Investments in shares, participation and primary capital certificates by specified sector. NOK Million
    Pension funds. Investments in shares, participation and primary capital certificates by specified sector. NOK Million
    Sum all sectors223 381261 957293 474278 450308 005
    Non-financial corporations23 38027 70229 88925 24223 113
    Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
    Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government2 1202 3392 7162 2692 135
    Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........
    Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government128131125244137
    Private non-financial incorporated enterprises21 13225 23227 04922 72920 840
    Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
    Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises0........
    Financial corporations113 630134 521156 153160 633186 276
    Norges Bank..........
    Banks1 8821 9173 0062 3752 319
    Mortgage companies..2636....
    Finance companies..........
    State lending institutions etc...........
    Financial holding companies1 3842 1871 3621 1761 308
    Mutual funds99 267117 517135 937132 093159 709
    Alternative investment funds (AIF) excluding mutal funds10 63712 42315 16823 82821 802
    Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds1266148734640
    Life insurance companies and pension funds..........
    Non-life insurance companies334392596427498
    General government..........
    Central government..........
    Local government..........
    Non-profit institutions serving households..........
    Unincorporated enterprises within households..........
    Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........
    Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........
    Unspecified sector..........
    Rest of the world86 37199 734107 43292 57598 616
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pension funds. Holdings of bonds by issuing sector
    Pension funds. Holdings of bonds by issuing sector
    Sum all sectors143 368141 472146 323148 086160 325
    Non-financial corporations29 17834 79240 23539 98642 807
    Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
    Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government3 3273 1633 6274 0097 295
    Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..0......
    Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government5 6257 1887 8517 4598 142
    Private non-financial incorporated enterprises20 22624 44128 75728 51927 370
    Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
    Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises0........
    Financial corporations58 64748 45547 10047 39849 316
    Norges Bank..........
    Banks33 35032 63134 27335 09934 296
    Mortgage companies23 90314 28711 3158 78112 113
    Finance companies..........
    State lending institutions etc...........
    Financial holding companies2491392091661 476
    Mutual funds..........
    Alternative investment funds (AIF) excluding mutal funds5216255802 303339
    Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds1411176692
    Life insurance companies and pension funds332449352539521
    Non-life insurance companies277314354445479
    General government28 42928 43331 67132 31135 194
    Central government7 1989 20510 97213 60814 947
    Local government21 23119 22820 69918 70320 247
    Non-profit institutions serving households..........
    Unincorporated enterprises within households..........
    Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........
    Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........
    Unspecified sector..........
    Rest of the world27 11529 79127 31728 39033 008
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics cover all pension funds in Norway. They show totals, balance sheets and specifications of individual financial instruments by sector.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 March 2021.

Balance sheet: The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of accounting period.

Profitt and loss account: The profit and loss account shows income, costs and expenses over the course of the accounting period.

We have three types of classification: instrument, sector and type.

Financial instruments and physical capital:
Liabilities, claims and other assets in the balance sheet of the financial institutions are divided into two main groups with a view to providing major uniform groups such as bank lending, funding and deposits.
Debtor and creditor sector:
Borrowers and lenders are classified according to institutional sector classification, based on national accounts rules.
Types of income and expenses:
Including interest income and expenses, are based on national accounts rules.

Name: Pension funds
Topic: Banking and financial markets

Not yet determined

Division for Financial Markets Statistics

Only at the national level.



Micro data are stored in an Oracle database.

The purpose is to provide statistics for the national accounts, financial sector balances and census of foreign assets and liabilities.

The statistics are included in national accounts, financial sector balances, balance of payments and statistics on Norway's foreign assets and liabilities. Other major users are Norges Bank, The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, Ministry of Finance and the media.

Not relevant

The statistics are based on the guidelines in the national accounts standards System of National Accounts (SNA), European System of Accounts (ESA) and the IMF Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics.

Statistics from the financial institutions are used in the national accounts, financial sector accounts, the balance of payments and in the Norwegian statistics of foreign debt and receivables.

Statistics Act Section 3-2 (banks and finance corporations), Act on the The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway Sections 1 and 4.

Council regulation 295/2008. Council regulation 251/2009. Amendments to council regulation 295/2008.

Council regulation (EC) no. 2223/96 The regulation covers the European system for national and regional accounts.

Council regulation (EC) no. 1392/2007 Amendments to council regulation 2223/96.

Council regulation (EC) no. 1606/2002 Regulation on the application of international accounting standards.

Council regulation (EC) no. 297/2008 Amendments to council regulation 1606/2002.

The population is all pension funds with lincence from The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

The statistics are based on accounting data from the enterprises.

Total count.

The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway and Statistics Norway work together to collect the accounting data.

Revision of the pension funds accounting statements are undertaken by Statistics Norway and The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

Not relevant

The analysis is split into two parts, i.e. the sum of all municipal pension funds and the sum of all private pension funds. From 1998 data for pension funds established by municipal enterprises are separated from private pension funds.

The accounting statistics for the financial institutions is based on current accounting regulations for financial institutions. Breaches may therefore occur in connection with changes in accounting legislation and in the regulations applicable to the financial institutions. Structural changes like new companies, mergers and spin-offs, with portfolio movements as one consequence, may also lead to breaches in the time series.

International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) The new accounting standard IFRS is an example of a change that will cause breaches in the time series in the periods to come. In 2009/2010 all reporting companies must, in one way or another, report according to the IFRS standard, and data may then be fully comparable again. However, the IFRS standard will lead to larger fluctuations in the data because of the more extensive use of fair value in the accounting. The comparison of the reported data with the companies' official accounts is also challenging because the IFRS standard does not require a specific presentation of the accounts, as the traditional Norwegian accounting standard does.

Regulation on loans The IFRS-adapted regulation on loans was introduced 1. January 2005. It lead to a small change in the measuring of the value of loans and guaranties in the accounting data and thereby to a small breach in the time series for loans and loan loss provisions. There were also a breach in the time series on loans in 1992 due to changed accounting rules.

Changes in the presentation of the statistics Credit lines secured on dwellings became a new specification from January 2006. As a consequence the numbers for repayment loans secured on dwellings and credit lines, working capital facility and consumer credit were reduced.

Structural changes There are several mergers, spin-offs and new companies being started every year. Many of these structural changes have no significant impact on the statistics, while others leads to major breaches in the time series. When the latter is the case, it will be commented upon in this section.

Portfolio movements The introduction of IFRS, the regulation on loans and the structural changes mentioned, has lead to portfolio movements especially between banks and mortgage companies. This gives breaches in the time series and needs to be taken into consideration when interpreting the data.

Errors and discrepancies can occur in the accounting data. These discrepancies can have a number of sources:

  • Errors in the reporting institutions' accounts
  • Errors in the transfer of data from the institution's primary accounts to recipients
  • Different accounting and evaluation principles
  • Different accounting dates for transactions
  • Insufficient data from the reporting parties
  • Processing errors

Due to large amounts of data and a dynamic control and revision system, published data will be regarded as preliminary until next years data for the same period is published. This means that data for the current year may be revised without this being marked in the preceeding publishing. Large and important revision however, will be commented upon in the publishing of Today's Statistics.

Not relevant
