Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying

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The 3 steps are Choose table, Choose variable and Show result. You are currently at Choose variables

10455: Sold production of goods in the manufacturing industry, by 8-digit Prodcom code 2008 - 2023

Samuel Abonyo, Statistics Norway
+47 40 81 14 95
Iris Santos, Statistics Norway
+47 46 82 84 56
2024-09-18 08:00
Sold own production, value (NOK 1000):
NOK 1000
Sold own production, quantity (Q):
(see text for each goods)
Production under sub-contracted operations, value (NOK 1000):
NOK 1000
Production under sub-contracted operations, quantity (Q):
(see text for each goods)
Total production, quantity (Q):
(see text for each goods)
Sold own production, value (NOK 1000):
During the year
Sold own production, quantity (Q):
During the year
Production under sub-contracted operations, value (NOK 1000):
During the year
Production under sub-contracted operations, quantity (Q):
During the year
Total production, quantity (Q):
During the year
Statistics Norway
External PROD
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.

Selected 1 of total 5

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2008 , 2009 , 2010 ,

Selected 1 of total 16


Selected 0 of total 2 510

There are more than 1500 values and therefore they are not shown automatically. Use links for "Advanced search" or "Select values from group".
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
0 means no production data available. Quantities for product corrected for 2022 and 2023 on 14.08.2024. Quantities for product corrected for 2022 and 2023 on 14.08.2024.
Quantities for products, and corrected for 2023 on 14.08.2024.
Update of other codes with previous missing data on 14.08.2024. Confidentiality sign '.' is corrected for year 2021, 18 September 2024.

prodcom code Mechanical signaling, safty og traficc control equipment for railways or tramways For railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilites, port installations or airfields