Wholesale and retail trade


Business statistics
Provides information on the activity in the Norwegian business sector
Cross border trade
Statistics Norway's survey on cross border trade covers day trips abroad
Index of household consumption of goods
The index measures the development in household consumption of goods.
Index of wholesale and retail sales
The index of wholesale and retail sales describes developments in values and volumes in the retail trade.
Retail sales, investment statistics
Describes retail trade, except motor vehicles, motorcycles and automotive fuel
Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
The statistics present sales of finished refined petroleum products by industry and by county.
Statistics on alcohol sales
Statistics on alcohol sales except purchase of alcohol abroad
Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics
The statistics identify the level and development of wholesale and retail trade.
Wholesale earnings survey
The statistics has been discontinued
Wholesale trade, price index
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 10 of 10
  1. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 0,4 percent from December 2021 to January 2022. This follows a decrease of 3 percent from November to December.

  2. Decrease in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales decreased by 3.1 percent from November to December 2021. This follows an increase of 0.9 percent from October to November.

  3. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 0.9 percent from October to November 2021. This follows an increase of also 0.9 percent from September to October.

  4. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 1 percent from September to October 2021. This follows an increase of 0.4 percent from August to September.

  5. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 0.5 percent from August to September 2021. This follows a decrease of 3.9 percent from July to August.

  6. Decrease in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales decreased by 3.8 percent from July to August 2021. This follows a decrease of 3.1 percent from June to July.

  7. Decrease in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales decreased by 3.1 percent from June to July 2021. This follows a decrease of 0.1 percent from May to June.

  8. Decrease in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales decreased by 0.1 percent from May to June 2021. This follows an increase of 5.8 percent from April to May.

  9. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 5.8 percent from April to May 2021. This follows an increase by 0.4 percent from March to April.

  10. Increase in retail sales

    The seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 0.3 percent from March to April 2021. This follows an unchanged level from February to March.

Older analyses, articles and publications for subtopic wholesale and retail trade.