Elections;Culture and recreation

Political parties' financing2019


Funding of political parties, cost accounts by activity and political party. NOK12
Total cost by activityAdministration costsGeneral political party activity¿s costsElection campaign¿s costs
1Costs by activity comprise total costs. According to the Political Parties Act total costs shall be divided by type and by activity. The table 5 presents income, costs by type and result. This table (11319) presents costs divided by main activity groups. The total can differ from total costs by type due to non-consistent data from the political party units. Further information see “About the statistics”.
2The Parties where less than 3 party units has reported their accounts, or that the party units have only reported a statement, are excluded in the table because data which should be made public are not available
Total866 697 707345 974 630286 477 163234 245 914
Christian Democratic Party55 396 25332 222 01413 612 1399 562 100
Liberal Party54 217 26923 584 68412 850 17117 782 414
Socialist Left Party54 908 33727 519 89314 601 99112 786 453
Labour Party267 438 14799 579 545102 655 37865 203 224
Progress Party92 312 77419 807 16039 349 49733 156 117
Conservative Party189 157 17190 326 92741 932 05456 898 190
Centre Party68 830 30925 538 93433 870 0789 421 297
The Red party of Norway24 869 49310 454 6289 425 4904 989 375
The Pensioners' Party3 537 643463 2871 538 3001 536 056
Democratic Party of Norway562 846231 72350 714280 409
Norwegian green Party46 400 82513 702 78513 870 84118 827 199
Communist Party of Norway788 654267 368491 30929 977
The Christians3 748 4761 198 3891 104 4821 445 605
The Health Party1 228 601209 841401 604617 156
Folkeaksjonen Nei til mer bompenger411 81385 033113 040213 740