External economy;Transport and tourism

External trade in services, enterprises operating in ocean transport (discontinued)2006


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: External trade in services, enterprises operating in ocean transport (discontinued)
Topic: External economy

Responsible division

Transport, tourism and ICT statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Exports of goods and services

Value of goods and services to abroad, i.e. from residents to non-residents

Imports of goods and services

Value of goods and services from abroad, i.e. from non-residents to residents

Transactions between related parties are not adjusted for.

Standard classifications

Classification of services are based on European Community's Classification of Products by Activity (CPA). Land groupings are based on ISO-3166.

Administrative information

Regional level


Frequency and timeliness

Annual statistics on foreign trade with Norwegian enterprises in ocean transport.

International reporting

Not relevant


Micro data is stored as text files.


Background and purpose

Established in 2005 when Bank of Norway discontinued their data compilation.

Aims to provide an overview of exports and imports at enterprises operating in ocean transport.

Note that figures on imports do not include goods and thus will not represent total imports at enterprises in ocean transport.

Users and applications

Statistical data is used primarely in Norway's National Accounts.

Coherence with other statistics

The population is the same as in Structural business statistics

The same population is used in Operating survey for water transport

Data is a direct input in External trade

Legal authority

The Statistics Act of 16 June 1989, §§ 2-1, 2-2, 2-3

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics includes all active enterprises in ocean transport. Industry sub classes are specified in detail Standard Industrial Classification and includes:

By Standard Industrial Classification, SN2002: 61.101 Ocean transport, 61.106 Tug- and supplyvessels, and 71.220 Renting of water transport equipment

By Standard Industrial Classification, SN2007: 50.201 Freight ocean transport, 50.101 Passenger ocean transport, 50.203 Tugs, 50.204 Supply and other sea transport offshore services, and 77.340 Renting and leasing of water transport equipment

Sampling in the survey of 2007 was basd on SN2002.

The population is the same as the one of structural business statistics.

Data sources and sampling

Data sources are similar as that of structural business statistics, in addition to data from the quarterly survey of foreign trade in services.

The sample is the same as that of structural business statistics and is based on a population defined by SSB's Register of Enterprises and Local kind-of-activity units.

The size of the survey sample for ocean transport in structural business statistics varies between one year and the next, but lies at about 600 enterprises.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Data is collected through electronic and paper based questionaires.

Raw data is first screened upon arrival for logical errors. Further auditing is done by referencing auxilliary data sources such as annual statements and tax returns. Finally figures are copared to previous years where those are available. In some cases the enterprise itself is contacted for verification.

Data from the quarterly survey mentioned in 3.2 is used as auxilliary data.

The sample in the quarterly survey includes roughly 200 of the largest enterprises within ocean transport, while the sample in structural business statistics covers roughly 600 enterprises where the 200 largest are included.

Population figures are estimated by using simple linear regression where explanatory variables are turnover and operational costs for exports and imports respectively. Explanatory variables and their values are the same as in structural business statistics. Observations are categorized according to strata where stratification is based on turnover and employment. Observations with an abnormal relationship between explanatory variable and dependent variable are treated as outliers and are not used in the prediction.


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

Changes in CPA definitons will affect comparability over time. No changes of this kind has caused significant interruptions in the time series.

In 2009 imports associated with crew costs are not included due to poor quality on collected data.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Collected information is based on reporting unit's financial accounts and more specifically those relating to transactions with a foreign counterpart. The interpretation of what constitutes a transaction involving services might differ between reporting units. It also might occur that the reporting unit's interpretation of a certain service code (CPA) differ from SSB's definition.

Non-response errors are either due to unit non-response, i.e. a respondent does not respond to the survey, or partial non-response, i.e. that the respondent has not answered at least one of the questions of the survey. Surveys based on questionnaires will normally have some non-response. Unit non-response can be a result of company closures, shutdowns, mergers, demergers, holidays, refusals etc. Partial non-response can be a result of omissions, lack of data or other circumstances.

Non-response by particularly important units is examined in manual checks. Other enterprises that fail to return the questionnaires are treated in the same way as enterprises that are not part of the survey. Although the use of compulsory fines has a considerable effect on reducing non-response, it may increase the statistical uncertainty if the respondent chooses to fill in the questionnaire at random in order to avoid the compulsory fine.

No calculation is done to asess sampling error