Record high imports
External economy
muh, External trade in goods, import, export, balance of trade (export minus import), mainland exports, imports excluding ships and oil platforms, trade ( between countries, continents and trade regions), international product groups (for example hs, sitc and bec), product groups (for example food, crude oil and metals)External trade , External economy

External trade in goodsOctober 2012



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Record high imports

Imports of goods in October reached a record high of NOK 48.6 billion. This was an increase of 10.2 per cent compared to the same month last year. Exports came to NOK 80.4 billion; a rise of 12.3 per cent compared to October 2011.

The trade surplus in October totalled NOK 31.8 billion and was 15.8 per cent higher than the same month a year back.

Increased natural gas exports

The export value for natural gas came to NOK 20.3 billion in October; a rise from NOK 17.9 billion in the same month in 2011. The export volume of natural gas in a gaseous state was 9.3 billion standard cubic metres in October, which was an increase of 18 per cent compared to the same month in the previous year, and 2.9 billion cubic metres more than exported in September 2012.

The increase was largely due to the completion of periodic maintenance work on the production equipment.

Exports of crude oil amounted to NOK 28.1 billion, which was an increase of 19.9 per cent compared to the same month in 2011. The change can be related to the fact that the volume of exported crude oil was lower last year, as well as lower prices per barrel; NOK 643 in October 2012 compared to NOK 633 in 2011.

External trade in goods, excl. ships and oil platforms. NOK million
  January-October Change in per cent October Change in per cent
  2011 2012 2011 2012
1 Imports       406 989       417 318 2.5 44 098      48 591 10.2
2 Exports  724 844  775 228 7.0 71 554 80 373 12.3
Of which            
Crude oil  265 291  264 797 -0.2 23 453 28 132 19.9
Natural gas  153 504  201 439 31.2 17 942 20 289 13.1
Condensates 7 239 7 352 1.6  919  401 -56.4
3 Exports excl. crude oil, natural gas and condensates  298 810  301 641 0.9 29 239 31 550 7.9
4 Trade balance (2-1)  317 854  357 910 12.6 27 455 31 782 15.8
5 Trade balance excl. oil, natural gas and condensates (3-1) -108 179 -115 677 . -14 859 -17 041 .

Increase in mainland exports

Mainland exports were 7.9 per cent higher in October than in the corresponding month last year, and totalled NOK 31.6 billion.

There was a significant increase in exports of refined petroleum products, which amounted to NOK 3.9 billion; roughly NOK 800 million higher than in October 2011. Gasoline showed the largest single increase in October 2012, by NOK 934 million.

Exports of aluminium accounted for most of the decline for the commodity group non-ferrous metals. In October, exports of aluminium came to NOK 1.9 billion; a decline from NOK 2.2 billion in the same month last year. The decrease was mainly due to lower aluminium prices.

The biggest drop in the main commodity group machinery and transport equipment was for the group other transport equipment. This group varies widely between periods because it includes aircrafts and special vessels. The value for this group was NOK 275 million in October 2012 compared to NOK 946 million in the same month last year.

Increased imports of machinery and transport

Total imports in October came to NOK 48.6 billion. The increase in value; almost NOK 4.5 billion compared to October last year, was seen in most commodity groups.

The main group machinery and transport equipment had the largest increase compared to figures for October 2011. Total imports constituted NOK 17.9 billion; almost NOK 1.9 billion higher than the same month a year before. There was an increase for most of the sub-groups.

Road vehicles had a particular increase in the import of passenger cars and station-wagons. The value for imported cars rose to NOK 3.2 billion compared to NOK 2.9 billion in the same month last year.

In the commodity group manufactures of metals, the sub-group structures and parts of structures, of iron, steel or aluminium rose to about NOK 1 billion, which is an increase of 87 per cent compared to October 2011.

Imports of miscellaneous manufactured articles rose by NOK 532 million compared to October 2011, and the sub-group furniture and parts thereof accounted for 32 per cent of the increase.

There was also a significant increase in imports of refined petroleum products, with diesel oil accounting for most of the increase; a rise from NOK 700 million in October 2011 to NOK 1.5 billion in the same month in 2012.

The largest decline in import value was found in the commodity group metalliferous ores and metal scrap, which accounted for an import of NOK 1.6 billion in October 2012 compared to NOK 2.1 billion the year before. There was a particularly large decline in nickel imports, but imports of aluminium also fell, both in quantity and value. The import value of aluminium was NOK 278 million less in October 2012 compared with October last year.
