The access provides us with information on all platforms that provides rental agreements in Norway for the year 2020. Figures include both long-term and short-term rentals and are both from companies located in Norway and overseas.

The figures show that there were over 400 000 unique agreements of rentals in 2020, where the overwhelming portion was for rentals less than 90 nights. Those who rented their property for less than 90 nights, described in the report as short-term, had an aggregated 1.5 million unit nights, and over 1.7 billion NOK in total income in 2020.

This report describes figures where any historical comparison is not available. To solve some of the issues related to quality, the report introduces a seminal method as a road-map for this and similar issues. The report uses historical distribution of both household income and sales revenue of hotels to estimate what the distribution of rental income should be. The report goes further and uses already tested-and-tried methods such as web-scraping to further enhance the quality of the data. The report, therefore, answers one of the key concerns surrounding big data these days; “How to edit figures when we don’t have a way of comparing them?”

Chapter 2 starts by giving the reader a necessary introduction into the methodology used, while chapter 3 provides the accuracy and reliability measures. Chapter 4 shows how well the model fits, with providing extensive figures to provide the reader with enough clarity, before analyzing the results in chapter 5. Chapter 5 is mainly focused on the short-term rentals and comparing the results with other sources. Chapter 6 provides further plans for developing this further.