Church of Norway

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06929: Church of Norway. Members, church ceremonies and services, by diocese 2005 - 2023

Andreas Østhus, Statistics Norway
+47 47 64 99 08
2024-06-17 08:00
Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway:
Enrolled in the Church of Norway:
Resigned from the Church of Norway:
Church weddings:
Church burials:
Church services sundays and holidays:
church services
Participitations in church services sundays and holidays:
Church services except sundays and holidays:
church services
Participitations in church services except sundays and holidays:
Services with communion:
church services
Participants communion:
Christmas Eve services:
church services
Participitations Christmas Eve services:
Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway:
Enrolled in the Church of Norway:
Resigned from the Church of Norway:
Church weddings:
Church burials:
Church services sundays and holidays:
Participitations in church services sundays and holidays:
Church services except sundays and holidays:
Participitations in church services except sundays and holidays:
Services with communion:
Participants communion:
Christmas Eve services:
Participitations Christmas Eve services:
Statistics Norway
External PROD
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway , Enrolled in the Church of Norway , Resigned from the Church of Norway ,

Selected 1 of total 15

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2005 , 2006 , 2007 ,

Selected 1 of total 19

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Oslo diocese , Borg diocese , Hamar diocese ,

Selected 0 of total 12

Optional variable
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
A duplicate scheme in the year 2005 for the municipality number 1630 is found. Unknown diocese do not include members living aboard.


Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway

From 2011 figures for unknown diocese are included. Total figure for the country can thus not be compared to earlier years.

Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway

Up to and including 2020 the variable included members of the Church of Norway as well as not baptized child (until 18 year) of a parent who is a member. From 2021 the variable only includes members of the Church of Norway.


Numbers of baptized from 2016 and onward shows total number of baptized. The number cannot be compared to previous year's numbers because they showed performed acts of baptize.

contents: Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway , year: 2019

Emigrated members count 140 259 members in 2019.

contents: Resigned from the Church of Norway , year: 2016

The Church of Norway adopted a new digital tool to enroll and resign in 2016. This led to high figures for resigned in 2016.