Social assistance2005


All releases for Social assistance - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
29 June 2021 2020 2020
2 November 2020 2019 2019
3 July 2020 2019 2019
3 July 2019 2018 2018
5 July 2018 2017 2017
6 July 2017 2016 2016
5 July 2016 2015 63 000 children provided for by social assistance recipients
6 July 2015 2014 Continued growth in social assistance last year
24 June 2014 2013 6 000 more recipients
21 June 2013 2012 Recipients down, but major local differences
25 June 2012 2011 Recipients and payments slightly down
28 June 2011 2010 Recipients are up, while payments are down
29 June 2010 2009 New increase in the number of social assistance recipients
9 July 2009 2008 Levelling out of social assistance recipients
17 June 2008 2007 Sharp decrease in social assistance recipients

All releases for Social assistance - annually, preliminary figures (discontinued)

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
29 June 2021 2020 2020
2 November 2020 2019 2019
3 July 2020 2019 2019
3 July 2019 2018 2018
5 July 2018 2017 2017
6 July 2017 2016 2016
5 July 2016 2015 63 000 children provided for by social assistance recipients
6 July 2015 2014 Continued growth in social assistance last year
24 June 2014 2013 6 000 more recipients
21 June 2013 2012 Recipients down, but major local differences
25 June 2012 2011 Recipients and payments slightly down
28 June 2011 2010 Recipients are up, while payments are down
29 June 2010 2009 New increase in the number of social assistance recipients
9 July 2009 2008 Levelling out of social assistance recipients
17 June 2008 2007 Sharp decrease in social assistance recipients

For previous releases also see: Qualification benefits.