This report is a direct translation of the report by Dag Ellingsen published in 2004. Some references have been updated.

The translation is funded by the Children Born of War Project foundation. Since publication of the report in 2004, the field of research has expanded considerably. However, this remains the only published report that has used systematically collected register data from both the war and post-war period. In conjunction with the ERC project EuroWARCHILD at the University of Oslo, the foundation therefore felt it would be worthwile to have the report translated, thus reaching a wider international audience.

The translation was carried out by Akasie språktjenester AS and was quality assured by the report’s author. Dag Ellingsen now works as a researcher at the Work Research Institute at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) and is a professor at the Norwegian Police University College. Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, professor and chair at the foundation, was also involved in the quality assurance process.

See the Norwegian version of this report "Krigsbarns levekår"