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Found 24 results for "interest rates" on the site

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  • Accrued to date liabilities, national numbers 2014-2018


    . Choice of net rate of interest (difference between the nominal rate and average wage growth used in indexation of entitlements) is therefore of significant importance. A net rate of interest of 1 per cent is chosen in the main alternative

  • Do employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards?


    – especially lately, as worker representation is widely promoted as an important way to ensure the interests and views of the workers. Conditional on the firm’s size and unionization rate, worker representation has little if any effect

  • Effects of reducing Norwegian extraction of oil and natural gas


    . One reason for this result is an expected lowering of interest rates and a depreciation of the currency that will lead to an increase in non-oil exports. Cuts in the interest rate and a currency depreciation the economy will lead to some recovery in non-oil activities during the 2030s

  • Households' financial accounts at the end of the second quarter of 2020


    . Households' interest burden is closely related to the interest rate level. Norges Bank lowered the policy rate to zero in May 2020 and interest rates on loans in banks and mortgage companies have followed suit. The interest burden on loans in the banking sector has fallen in the second quarter of 2020, as lower interest rates have reduced households' interest

  • Aggregate demand and developments in market power, labour share and inequality in Norway


    . Finally, the effects on the Norwegian economy of the fall in interest rates in the period 2011–2018 are analysed. The reduced interest rate contributed in isolation to output, measured as mainland GDP, being

  • Analysis of demand decline and their ripple effects as a result of Covid19 and measures to reduce the spread of infection


    ), and changes in interest rates and exchange rates. We have previously used similar analyses to analyze the ring effects of the petroleum industry, see, for example, Brasch, Hungnes, and Strøm (2019

  • Economic trends for Møre og Romsdal


    . With continued relatively low interest rates and positive real income growth, the increase in household consumption is projected to stay high both in the current and next year

  • Curbing profit shifting

    Empirical evaluation of Norway's thin capitalization rules


    : 18 December 2019 Differences in corporate tax rates across countries and jurisdictions give multinational companies incentives for profit shifting to reduce the total tax burden. One way of doing this is through internal debt from a closely affiliated company in a low-tax jurisdiction, because interest costs are deductible before tax in Norway

  • Long run effects on government finances and national income in Norway of changes in fertility


    . Some have claimed that increased fertility will mitigate these problems. Measured by cross section data on birth rates, fertility declined from 2.75 to 1.75 children per woman during the period 1968-1977. After 1977 this fertility rate has varied little around 1,8

  • Does households that qualify for housing benefits recieve it?


    . There is an upper limit to the housing costs that are covered. The approved housing cost primarily consists of rent for tenants and interest and instalments on loans in addition to common costs or municipal taxes for owners. A large share of single parents also qualifies for housing benefits. The eligibility rate is highest in the most central municipalities, especially in Oslo

  • Economic trends for Møre og Romsdal


    . With relatively low interest rates and rising real income growth, the increase in household consumption is projected to stay high during the next few years. Net immigration to the county is falling, which is due to lower immigration to Norway, while the rate of emigration from the county, similar to the situation for the nation as a whole, is now lower

  • Fiscal multipliers in the Norwegian economy


    . Simulations on the main model with endogenous exchange rate, interest rate and immigration in addition to a long run financial accelerator in the household sector, show that the multiplier for GDP 0.5 in the medium term and nearly half of that in the long run. The fiscal multiplier is calculated with an unemployment rate close to the last twenty years average of

  • Spillover-effects from the offshore petroleum to the mainland economy


    . Among these repercussions, deliveries from domestic suppliers and subsuppliers are of interest, in particular the value added – the gross product. Correspondingly, the employment rate fell from 8.7 percent to 7.5 percent from 2013 to 2015

  • A Gloomy Economic Future?


    . Lower interest rates, more expansionary fiscal policy, decreasing drop in demand from the petroleum industry and not least slightly increasing growth in Norwegian export markets, are other factors. The rate of unemployment would then reach a peak during 2016, with an annual average of 4.6 percent

  • Life time pension benefits relative to life time contributions


    . With a positive net rate of interest the value of contributions as young is more worth than the corresponding value of benefits received as old
