Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Price decrease on energy goods Articles Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Steady growth in mainland GDP Articles National accounts and business cycles
Output growth in petroleum-related manufacturing Articles Energy and manufacturing
For whom are cities good places to live? Discussion Papers no. 910 National accounts and business cycles
Manufacturing turnover slightly up Articles Energy and manufacturing
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents - demography, education, work and income Reports 2019/21 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Drop in export price of fresh salmon Articles External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
May record in guest nights Articles Transport and tourism, Svalbard
Health workers workplace and newly graduated health workers affiliation with working life Reports 2019/20 Health, Labour market and earnings
Decreased growth in domestic loan debt Articles Banking and financial markets
Decrease in retail sales Articles Wholesale and retail trade and service activities, Income and consumption
Teachers without pedagogical education in the primary and lower secondary school 2018/19 Reports Education
Teacher competence in the primary and lower secondary school: Main results 2018/2019 Reports 2019/18 Education
Major decrease in export price of fresh salmon Articles External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Decrease in unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings