Environmental accounts


Economy-wide material flow accounts
Extraction of biomass, metal ores and concentrates, non-metallic minerals, fossil energy carriers
Emissions from Norwegian economic activity
Covers the environmental consequences due to the economic activity in Norway
Environmental economic instruments
Environmental economic instruments to correct for negative effects on the environment.
Environmental protection expenditure
Statistics over activities to prevent, reduce or treat pollution to the environment.

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 17 of 17
  1. In this report, we describe the work done in connection with an EU grant project over the period August 2023 to December 2024. We investigate the statistical base for developing ecosystem accounts for nature-based tourism and recreation and evaluate different valuation methods. The main output of the project was the development and distribution of a survey on nature-based tourism and recreation.

  2. The Norwegian government is in the process of specifying abatement targets applying to the period between 2030 and 2050 and will submit new pledges to the United Nations in 2025. To inform these processes, this report examines and discusses the costs and macroeconomic impacts on the Norwegian economy of introducing different greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets and target structures for 2035.

  3. This article explores whether altruistic preferences toward households in poor high-temperature countries stimulate global warming policies within rich low-temperature countries that avoids damage from global warming.

  4. Unmanaged and overgrown coastal heathlands represent a substantial fire hazard. We analyse how this hazard in Norwegian coastal heathlands is influenced by weather conditions, land management, and usage.

  5. This report presents statistics on green goods and services in Norway for the first time. The statistics include the variables production, gross value added, employment and exports for the years 2018-2020.

  6. The report explores methods for analysing the cost and emission impacts of altered policy instruments in climate policy in the short term.

  7. In this report, we use National Accounts data from Statistics Norway to calculate the resource rent in the natural resource industries in Norway in the period from 1984 to 2022

  8. Plastic has become a major environmental issue in recent years and is a topic of increasing attention. This report aims to create a more complete picture of plastic fluxes in Norway based on available data sources.

  9. This working paper was prepared for the 28th meeting of the London Group held on September 26-29, 2022, in Siegburg, Germany. The paper discusses current progress on ocean accounting in Norway.

  10. Effective carbon taxation is essential to achieving the green transition. However, there is typically stiff opposition to carbon taxation due to perceived or actual adverse equity and other impacts. Hence, a better understanding of which factors, including the use of tax revenue, can increase acceptability is essential.

  11. On the one hand, wind power production is necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems, that is, stopping climate change in exchange with increased loss of pristine land and biodiversity.

  12. The EU has recently proposed carbon tariffs at the border (CBAM – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) as part of its Fit for 55 policy. Norway’s climate policy is linked to the EU’s. This report addresses the direct and indirect impacts of a carbon tariff policy on Norwegian industries and the general economy when Norway’s climate policies are linked to the EU’s.

  13. In this report we study the effects of the increased CO2 tax under non-ETS (specifically, reaching NOK 2 000 per tonne of CO2 in 2030). We apply the SNOW-NO model (Statistics Norway’s World model – Norway), which is a numerical general equilibrium model where Norway is modelled as a small, open economy, while the rest of the world is reduced to imports and exports.

  14. Energy generated from land-based wind power is expected to play a crucial role in the decarbonisation of the economy.

  15. Economists have neglected place attachment as a potential explanation for people’s preferences for environmental goods.

  16. Transportation is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Climate regulations on transportation are often a mix of sector-specific regulations and economy-wide measures (such as emission pricing).

  17. Unmanaged and overgrown coastal heathlands pose a great fire hazard. This is due to the combination of old, dead heather and the growth of spruce and juniper, which are highly flammable and burn explosively.

Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic environmental accounts.