Oslo far above average
National accounts and business cycles;Svalbard
fnr, Regional accounts, gross domestic product, GDP, value added, GDP per capita, gross investments, household consumption, household income, disposible income, gross product by industry, wage costs, employeesNational accounts and business cycles, National accounts , National accounts and business cycles, Svalbard

Regional accounts1997



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Oslo far above average

The differences in the settlement patterns and the structure of industry are reflected in the national accounts by county for 1997. If we exclude oil and gas activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, we find that Oslos gross regional product per inhabitant is 90 per cent above the national average.

In addition to Oslo, only Rogaland is above the national average. The Gross regional product per employed person is distributed more evenly, since in this case commuting is taken into account.

Oppland is at the bottom of the scale

Persons residing in other counties, particularly in Akershus contribute towards a high percentage of the value added in Oslo. The RGDP per employee for Oslo is 18 per cent above the national average . At the opposite end is Oppland, at 29 per cent below the RGDP per inhabitant and 18 per cent below the RGDP per employed person. The figure shows value added by county as an index in relation to the national average, which is set at 100.

Differences in the industry structure

The differences in the RGDP per employee are mainly due to differences in the structure of the industry. Counties where capital-intensive industries dominate will have a higher index than counties with less-capital-intensive industries. For instance, Rogaland, with its petroleum-related industries, has a higher index than Oppland, which has a high percentage of primary industries. The Gross value added per employee in the primary industries is on average NOK 214 000 on a nation-wide basis, whereas in service industries the amount is NOK 358 000. We find the highest gross value added in the secondary industries, where on average an employee contributes NOK 430 000 to the overall gross value added.

In the same way as for the RGDP per employee, investments per employee will vary between counties, mainly as the result of differing structures of industry and thereby of differing capital-intensiveness. Investments were on average NOK 87 000 per employee on a nation-wide basis (excluding the petroleum industry). Investments are highest in Oslo, where they amount to NOK 102 000 per employee. At the opposite end is Oppland, with NOK 72 000 per employee.