LÆRERMOD is a projection model developed by Statistics Norway. The model includes individuals with teacher education and calculates whether the current candidate production of new teachers is high enough to maintain the current national teacher density in the long run, given future developments in the number of children and young people and future retirement of teachers.

The next publication of teacher projections is in March 2023.

Project manager: Trude Gunnes


Rachel Ekren

Biljana Perlic


Drange, N., Gunnes, T. & Telle, K. (2021) Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: findings from employees in child care centers, Empirical Economics 61, 3375–3400. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-020-01997-y

Gjefsen, H. M. & Gunnes, T. (2020) How school accountability affects teacher mobility and teacher sorting, Education Economics, 28:5, 455-473, DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2020.1788514

Funder: The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research

Project term: 2019-2023