Rent and area statistics for office space (discontinued)1.166666666666666667th half-year 2001


All releases for Rent and area statistics for office space (discontinued) - half-yearly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
19 April 2002 1st half-year 2002 Rent income up 4.6 per cent
18 October 2001 1.166666666666666667th half-year 2001 Rent income up 5.6 per cent
3 May 2001 0.166666666666666667th half-year 2001 Rent income up 6 per cent in Oslo and Bærum
23 January 2001 1.166666666666666667th half-year 2000 Rental income up 4.7 per cent in Oslo and Bærum