Divorces and separations up in 2000
ekteskap, Marriages and divorces, marriage ceremonies, marriages, type of marriage ceremony (for example civil, church wedding, abroad), length of marriage, separations, partnershipsChildren, families and households, Population

Marriages and divorces2000



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Divorces and separations up in 2000

Almost 10 100 marriages were dissolved by divorce in 2000, about 900 more than the previous year. This amounts to 11.5 divorces per 1 000 married and separated women. The number of separations also increased, with some 1 000 to 12 900.

Divorces and separations. 1977-2000

Divorce rates for females in selected age groups. 1981-2000

Only once before, in 1990, has a similar increase been registered. From 1989 to 1990 the total number of divorces went up with nearly 900, and the figure for divorced per 1 000 married and separated increased from 9.8 to 10.9, an increase of 1.1 then and now. The level of divorces for 2000 (10 100) is approximately the same level as in 1995. The years 1993 and 1994 are the only years, for as long as we have statistics on divorces, that there were more divorces than now. The high numbers for 1993 and 1994 are probably related to a new act on marriages which came into force 1 January 1993. Among other aspects the required amount of time of separation before divorce was shortened. From 1994 and for the rest of the decade the number of divorces was at a lower level than at the beginning of the decade.

16 300 marriages were dissolved by death.
