Banking and financial markets
The result for pension funds was NOK 2.8 billion in 2015, compared to NOK 1.7 billion in 2014. The main reason for the result being higher is the decrease in allocation to the revaluation reserves.

Pension funds2015


Pension funds. Balance sheet. NOK million
Intangible assets77
Tangible fixed assets7 2718 528
Land and buildings7 2708 527
Machinery, equipment and veichles11
Capital investments268 301292 369
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates40 45745 289
Shares in securities' funds95 148108 839
Bonds and certificates132 316137 875
Financial derivatives316257
Other capital investment64108
Loans5 8794 239
Remaining claims1 6491 612
Insurance claims623718
Reinsurance share of technical provisions....
Other claims1 026894
Cash and bank deposits7 5217 259
Total assets290 629314 014
Liabilities and equity capital
Equity capital26 96631 158
Deposit capital10 06011 589
Primary capital....
Share premium account....
Other deposit capital10 06011 589
Retained earnings16 90719 569
Other equity16 90719 569
Subordinated liabilities446423
Other subordinated liabilities446423
Technical provisions259 686280 104
Premium reserve206 613225 573
Additional provision10 33111 991
Revaluation reserve27 04627 985
Net provision for outstanding claims9191 124
Premium provision and pension provision14 77713 431
Provisions for other charges134186
Provisions for pension3872
Deffered tax5599
Other provisions for charges4115
Remaining liabilities3 3962 143
Expences accrued24463
Defferes income....
Payable tax1930
Insurance liabilities4448
Other liabilities624646
Financial derivatives2 4581 348
Total liabilities290 629314 014
Number of companies8890
Loan with morgage on dwelling1 7811 326