Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2014

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Finance companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013August 2013July 2013June 2013
Notes and divisionary coin87....59....72....139....138
Loans to and claims on financial institutions8 166....6 007....6 042....5 522....5 964
Loans to and claims on customers128 502....124 626....121 229....118 569....117 558
Certificates and bonds..........................
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.645....640....720....587....471
Financial derivatives346....305....388....218....114
Intangible assets1 537....1 096....1 054....979....917
Durable operating equipment213....142....112....135....136
Other assets4 268....4 269....3 281....3 780....4 401
Total assets143 762....137 143....132 896....129 928....129 700
Deposits from financial institutions..........................
Deposits from customers..........................
Certificate and bond debt420....420....250....100....100
Other loans111 413....106 173....104 779....102 126....103 989
Financial derivatives18....62....17....16....19
Other liabilities12 618....12 523....10 272....10 935....9 866
Subordinated loan capital1 926....1 926....1 936....1 836....1 871
Total liabilities126 395....121 104....117 253....115 013....115 845
Share and owner share capital4 177....4 002....3 821....3 869....3 860
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)2 926....2 628....2 357....2 401....1 983
Earned equity capital8 644....8 786....6 864....6 720....6 771
Undistributed profit1 619....623....2 601....1 926....1 240
Total equity17 367....16 039....15 643....14 916....13 854
Total liabilities and equity143 762....137 143....132 896....129 928....129 700