Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2013

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Finance companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012
All industries64 67063 05662 75962 75862 46761 67762 24262 09661 62861 15361 15060 89461 061
Agriculture2 8062 7922 7552 7222 7192 7332 7332 7722 7892 7742 7942 7802 745
Fishing and hunting79787777787777798083828485
Fish farming services1 4771 4231 3991 3261 3811 3641 3361 3911 3591 3761 3451 3921 419
Mining and quarrying1 0261 008984984966962965940933919961932931
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas386350329317322326327357365291327306278
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas838282888891798481838079140
Industry6 7306 5166 7087 0406 7326 6197 0476 7826 7156 9986 6456 5187 087
Ship and boat building402398392389383372381433429421411379391
Electricity and water supply168151152151153161151153145147149150152
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal1 5051 4031 4701 4271 4451 4151 5911 5961 5411 5151 4091 3501 430
Real estate development434430425434435432445344343449445451472
Building and construction work beyond real estate development11 16611 32811 13110 74210 91610 88410 58110 71910 65710 38410 57410 61810 203
Commodity trade etc9 8129 5729 5839 5019 4569 4579 3948 9998 7298 3338 4118 4738 604
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines4 9544 5814 5334 6114 5264 7154 8295 0295 0684 9885 0784 9934 815
Transportation and storage7 7417 6297 5827 8807 7677 4097 4147 4267 3917 3417 2337 1907 166
Hotels and restaurants458459456458446450442392393395398394398
Information and communication1 5411 4941 2681 3091 2211 1961 2071 2401 2591 2361 2151 1861 206
Real estate, renting and business activities1 3311 3211 3091 3181 2971 2761 2671 2761 2751 2581 3661 3681 383
Professional and financial services1 8281 7661 9821 7462 0641 7821 8741 8731 8891 9111 9581 9741 962
Businesslike services7 2396 7826 6866 7726 5976 4886 6516 6616 6026 6726 7216 9586 830
Other service activities2 6532 6382 6112 6172 6102 5962 5832 6732 6932 6992 7002 4802 530