Planer og meldinger 2021/02

Annual Report 2020. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway

Statistics Norway (SSB) has been engaged in international development cooperation for more than 50 years. Since 1994, SSB has had a division dedicated to this work, and over the years our approach has moved towards long-term institutional cooperation projects. Experience has shown us that a long-time horizon is more likely to contribute to sustainable and resilient results for our partner institutions. The main purpose of SSB’s international development cooperation is to build capacity in producing official statistics of good quality and to contribute to the development of a strong National Statistical System.

The cornerstone of the Norwegian development cooperation in statistics has been based on face-to-face meetings and working shoulder-to-shoulder, in the partner country or in Norway. COVID-19 has set an effective stop to this, and since March 2020 all cooperation has been digital. Although there are many challenges with digital cooperation, there are also a lot of potential. The future of development cooperation will be based on a combination of travel and remote activities, allowing for more regular contact.

This annual report provides information about activities and results for our main projects in 2020.

Om publikasjonen


Annual Report 2020. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway

Serie og -nummer

Planer og meldinger 2021/02


Statistisk sentralbyrå

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Om Planer og meldinger

I denne serien publiseres dokumenter med et institusjonelt preg og notater med en viss offisiell karakter.
