Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
The seasonally-adjusted volume index of retail sales decreased by 0.6 per cent from June to July this year.

Index of wholesale and retail salesJuly 2016


Petrol stations, turnover statistics. NOK 1 000
TotalEngine fuel and lubricantsCar equipmentEveryday commoditiesOther goods including music and video salesFood serviceWorkshop service and car washRentingGames/commision
201546 219 39236 522 189577 0234 819 677407 3462 212 2751 026 94680 851573 085
August 20144 088 1163 282 49939 807429 36536 050197 29348 2998 96545 838
September 20144 042 6513 307 67540 318380 23329 086176 73858 1757 50842 918
October 20144 004 5063 269 69157 974362 22928 010173 25261 9207 42344 007
November 20143 747 3173 004 42553 990351 37127 427159 11398 3276 21946 445
December 20143 813 2342 987 74863 252381 53337 942179 840109 8654 81248 242
January 20153 454 2902 741 22849 520341 58129 218162 52881 3814 43544 399
February 20153 363 1712 664 08042 684325 60128 226146 728110 6594 40540 788
March 20153 972 9643 186 85541 690366 10629 715170 295125 6215 69446 988
April 20153 765 3382 933 75957 685406 27633 620173 206106 1826 51048 100
May 20153 921 7263 011 93349 527496 43940 477194 65368 1987 91452 585
June 20154 401 4793 526 89745 664443 52244 192214 96370 3089 02446 909
July 20154 192 1993 307 62146 017452 29351 567217 14860 7919 43147 331
August 20154 288 7893 419 60339 594460 94639 148206 32867 6718 49047 009
September 20153 847 4253 105 28236 403388 83426 671184 06651 7347 14747 288
October 20153 816 2093 027 88358 198380 28626 462184 16883 2117 46648 535
November 20153 643 2862 874 52358 965366 42025 563166 11596 9215 71949 060
December 20153 552 5162 722 52551 076391 37332 487192 077104 2694 61654 093
January 20163 448 2852 703 30858 575363 66024 839168 18189 3253 91036 487
February 20163 379 0092 659 67541 860348 85522 697156 906106 2874 24038 489
March 20163 484 2712 647 14043 615405 43228 121177 509137 2524 87640 326
April 20163 564 9192 782 87457 601365 44724 127170 878112 0976 72645 169
May 20163 978 1523 081 53746 191471 03331 376207 49588 4575 96746 096
June 20164 212 1523 319 91347 733470 77941 018212 27077 3168 89034 233
July 20164 146 8883 214 72246 528482 99544 772230 84768 2719 03449 719