Dry cargo boost - downturn for tank
Transport and tourism
sjound, Domestic maritime transportation (discontinued), goods transport, passenger transport, freight tonnage, coastal transport, hired vessels, domestic maritime transport, dry cargo vessels, tankersSea transport , Transport and tourism

Domestic maritime transportation (discontinued)2000-2001

The statistics has been discontinued.



Dry cargo boost - downturn for tank

Norwegian vessels totalled at 109 million tonnes of goods transported in 2001, a decrease of about 11 per cent compared with 2000. The number of tank vessels was reduced by 18 per cent in 2001 compared with 2000. Dry cargo vessels, however, went up by 31 per cent during the same period. Norwegian passenger vessels transported about 50 million passengers both years.

The largest vessel group, tankers larger than 3 000 gross tonnes, transported 84 per cent of total goods in 2000, and 78 per cent o in 2001.

The Domestic Maritime Transportation survey contains two former surveys, the survey on vessels for hire or reward or on own account and the survey on regular coastal trade. The surveys before 2000 are not completely coherent with the Domestic Maritime Transportation survey. The survey on vessels for hire or reward or on own account did not include vessels between 50 and 100 gross tonnes or vessels larger than 3 000 gross tonnes. The survey on regular coastal trade included all vessels in local service subject to licensing. The Domestic Maritime Transportation survey includes all tank vessels, dry cargo vessels and passenger vessels larger than 50 gross tonnes engaged in coastal traffic.

Foreign goods traffic down in 200

Goods transported in foreign trade by NOR vessels, amounted to 77.6 million tonnes in 2000 and 63.6 million tonnes in 2001. This is a decrease of 18 per cent, or almost 14 million tonnes. Detailed on vessel group, only tankers larger than 3 000 gross tonnes have less activity abroad in 2001. The large tankers have reduced their activity in 2001 compared with 2000, while transporting 2.4 million tonnes less goods domestically and about 16 million tonnes less abroad.

Transportation figures for vessels larger than 50 gross tonnes listed in the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR) give a total of close to 45.5 million tonnes domestically in both 2000 and 2001.

Tank vessels experience a downturn

The Norwegian tank fleet drops. Measured by vessel groups, tank vessels between 50 and 3 000 gross tonnes and tank vessels larger than 3 000 gross tonnes falls by 6 and 27 vessels respectively. Gross tonnage also drops by 1.6 million gross tonnes for the smallest tankers and more than 347 million gross tonnes for tankers larger than 3 000 gross tonnes. The tank downturn is reflected by figures for transported goods, which decreased by 1 million tonnes domestically for tank vessels between 50 and 3 000 gross tonnes. The largest tank vessels report 2.4 million goods less domestically and 16 million goods less in foreign trade.

Dry cargo boost

Transported goods on dry cargo vessels increased from 16.9 million tonnes in 2000 till 22.1 million tonnes in 2001. The boost in dry cargo transportation from 2000 through 2001 is most significant for vessels larger than 500 gross tonnes. Domestically, this group increased its transports by 2.8 million tonnes. In foreign trade, the largest dry cargo vessels increased while transporting 1.8 million tonnes more in 2001. The vessel group increased its number of operative vessels by 13 and its operative gross tonnage by 84 million gross tonnes during the same period.

Increase from 1999 through 2000 in transported goods

In table 3, tankers larger than 3 000 gross tonnes are excluded. Looking at total goods transported from 1997 to 2001, an increased activity is apparent. Totally, 19 million tonnes were transported in 1997, 18 million tonnes in 1998 and 20 million tonnes in 1999. The year 2000 shows a small increase, totalling at 20 million tonnes even when goods transported in foreign trade decreased. The 2001 total is larger, 24.5 million tonnes of goods were transported.

Passenger vessels transport fewer passengers in 2001

Figures for the domestic maritime transportation survey render about 50.2 million passengers in 2000. Totals for 2001 show a relatively small decrease to 49.6 passengers. Car ferries in traffic aids 1.4 million passengers less in 2001, compared with the year 2000. This corresponds to a decrease of 4 per cent.

Figures for local service traffic jump from 1999 through 2000

While comparing figures for transported passengers in local service traffic between 1999 and 2000, an increase of 4 million passengers is identified. Population changes are causing the difference. The population change is also reflected in figures on vessels operating and gross tonnage operating. 135 vessels subject to licensing were engaged in local service traffic in 1999, measured in gross tonnage 25.2 million gross tonnes. In total 223 passenger vessels operate on local service traffic in 2000, engaging 64 million gross tonnes.
